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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book


Listen to your teacher read a description of the character from the story. Identify the character based on your understanding and write the name in the space provided. Number the characters in sequence as they appear in the story.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 1
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Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book


Imagine you are Mowgli. Which animal would you befriend? What kind of adventure would you like in the forest? Make use of the hints below to talk about it.

  • Hi, I’m Mowgli, The only human being living in the jungle.
  • I have been raised by a pack of wolves, in an Indian forest.
  • I go and hunt with my friends for food.
  • My close buddy is a bear.
  • His name is Baloo.
  • He / She guides and accompanies me wherever I go. He comes along with me while I play, hunt and search for food.
  • We enjoy loitering in the jungle by going hand in hand all the way.
  • The jungle where we live is cool and pleasant.
  • On the whole, I am lucky to stay here with my friends and well-wishers.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book


Read scene I of the play carefully and answer the questions below.

Question 1.
list the characters that appear in the scene. What human characteristics do they exhibit?
The characters that appear in the scene are Tabaqui, (the Jackal), Mother Wolf and Father Wolf. The human characteristics exhibited by these characters are :

  1. Father Wolf – responsible
  2. Mother Wolf – protective of her cubs
  3. Tabaqui – spiteful and cunning

Question 2.
The scene is set inside a thick forest and it is nearing dusk. Relate this time frame with the behaviour of the animals in the forest.
Father Wolf takes rest in the day time and gets ready for his hunt. Mother Wolf protects her cubs by dropping them into the mouth of the cave. Tabaqui also hunts for food at that hour of the day. But he is spiteful and cunning.

Question 3.
Dkllhbaqui receive a warm welcome from the pack of wolves? How do you know?
No. Tabaqui did not receive a warm welcome from the pack of wolves, as they were uncomfortable.

Question 4.
Tabaqui acts as _____ to the pack of wolves.
(a) a guard
(b) a friend
(c) a messenger
(d) an enemy
(c) a messenger

Question 5.
Whom does Mother Wolf talk about? How does she describe him?
Mother Wolf talked about Shere Khan. She said that Shere Khan’s mother called him Lungri (the Lame One), as he had been lame in one foot from his birth. That is why he had only killed cattle. As the villagers of Waingunga were angry with him, he had come to Seeonee Hills to make their villagers angry.

Question 6.
Who is about to go on a hunt? Do the wolves panicon his arrival? Explain.
Shere Khan is about to go on a hunt. The wolves did not panic on his arrival, and they were brave enough to confront him and set him on fire.

Question 7.
Match the following

S. No.CharacterTrait
a.Father Wolf(i) with a grey nose…feeds her four cubs
b.Tabaqui(ii) the big one from Waingunga River with a lame foot
c.Mother Wolf(iii) the chief of the Wolves
d.Shere Khan(iv) begs for meat and thanks for the meal / warns the wolves about the arrival of Shere Khan

a. (iii)
b. (iv)
c. (i)
d. (ii)

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book


Imagine a conversation among your friends about the four characters’ in the play Tabaqui, Shere Khan, Mother Wolf and Father Wolf. Use the hints to write it.

  • The character’s entry in the play.
  • Compare and contrast their character traits.
  • The reaction of the characters on seeing the man cub.

In scene one, Mother Wolf and Father Wolf enter. Father Wolf gets ready to hunt and Mother Wolf takes protective measures by dropping the cubs into the mouth of the cave. Tabaqui, the Jackal enters from the downhill towards Father Wolf and asks for a meal. It flatters the cubs of the Wolf and warns everyone about Shere Khan, who is going to hunt among those hills for the next moon.

Father Wolf gets angry on hearing about Shere Khan and his hunt among the hills. But Mother Wolf speaks quietly and tells all what she knows about Shere Khan. Tabaqui, who comes there as a messenger to inform about the hunt of Shere Khan, goes away quietly.

Among the bushes, they see a man-cub-holding on a low branch. Mother Wolf gets excited to have him in their midst. She thinks of rearing him along with her cubs, though Father Wolf was a bit hesitant. Shere Khan and Tabaqui come in search of the baby. They see that the man-cub had gone into the mouth of the cave and asks Father Wolf to give the baby to them. But Father Wolf sternly says that the man-cub belonged to them. When Shere Khan roars angrily at this, Mother Wolf springs forward, facing Shere Khan bravely. She says that the man-cub is hers. He shall live to run and hunt with the pack. In the end, he will hunt Shere Khan. So Shere Khan backs out growling that the man-cub will come to him one day.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book


Let’s Recall

I. Read the situation given. Write the response of the subject in a sentence. Tick the correct box to identify the kind of sentences.
D – Declarative; In – interrogative; E – Exclamatory; Im – Imperative

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Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

II. Look at the pictures given below. Arrange the jumbled words into a sentence. Write the sequence of the sentences according to the pictures in the blanks given. Pick the adjectives from the sentences and write them below the picture.
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Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 6

  1. order/a yummy, round and big cake/her parents
  2. her/a wonderful doll/present/Madhu’s friends/with
  3. which falls on Sunday/for her birthday celebration/ Madhu/her close friends/invites
  4. welcome/she and her parents/with a broad smile/their/ guests
  5. enjoyed the day/felt/happy and/Madhu and her parents
  6. the house with colourful balloons/her parents/to decorate/and attractive cartoon
  7. pink/Madhu/frock/wears/on her/birthday/a long.


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  1. Madhu invites her close friends for her birthday celebration which falls on Sunday.
  2. Her parents decorate the house with colourful balloons and attractive cartoon.
  3. Her parents order a yummy, round and big cake.
  4. Madhu wears a long, pink frock on her birthday.
  5. She and her parents welcome their guests with a broad smile.
  6. Madhu’s friends present her with a wonder full doll.
  7. Madhu and her parents felt happ and enjoyed the day.

III. Frame as many sentences as possible from the substitution table given below.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 9
Example : I enjoy playing badminton and carrom daily.

  1. We prefer playing kabaddi and table tennis usually.
  2. We love watching cricket and squash often.
  3. I hate watching kho-kho and fencing daily.
  4. I love coaching hockey or table-tennis generally.
  5. I wish playing basketball and chess often.
  6. They dislike watching football and fencing sometimes.
  7. We enjoy playing badminton or table-tennis everyday.
  8. They like watching tennis or squash occasionally.
  9. Samritha enjoys watching kabaddi and chess often.
  10. Kavish likes playing badminton and table-tennis rarely.
  11. Samritha prefers watching kho-kho or fencing daily.
  12. Kavish hates coaching basketball or squash sometimes.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

IV. Head the sentence, insert appropriate articles In the blanks and circle the noun phrase.

Question 1.
Sujatha is reading _______ interesting story in the library.
Sujatha is reading an ( interesting story in the library.

Question 2.
Vishal drew _______ wonderful picture on the board yesterday.
Vishal drew a (wonderful picture) on the board yesterday.

Question 3.
Srinath and Sandhya were bored at ________ awful concert.
Srinath and Sandhya were bored at an (awful concert)

Question 4.
Purvaja ate _______ salad of raw ve etables for dinner.
Purvaja ate a salad of (raw vegetables) for dinner.

Question 5.
Suresh was astonished to see _______ huge statue.
Suresh was astonished to see the (huge statue)

Question 6.
The child was playing with _______ yellow balloon.
The child was playing with a (Yellow balloon)

V. Complete the dialogue by using suitable adjectives in the blanks.

Sinduja : Hi! Venkat. Hope you received the message about our school’s sports day.
Venkat : Hmmm ..! Yes… I was the first one to enrol my name in the events.
Sinduja : So, tell me for how many events have you enrolled?
Venkat : I have enrolled myself only in a few events.
Sinduja : What are they?
Venkat : As I am tall, I have given my name for long jump and running events.
Sinduja : That’s excellent to hear.
Venkat : What about you, Sinduja?
Sinduja : I have decided to participate in all the events.
Venkat : Hey!! That’s good. Expecting the best from you.
Sinduja : Thank you so much Venkat. Wish you the same. Let’s rock.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book


Read the story given below and follow the instructions to convert it into a play.
Title : Goldilocks and the three bears
Characters :

  1. A little girl named Goldilocks
  2. Papa bear
  3. Mama bear
  4. Baby bear
  5. Narrator

Scene – I

Narrator : A little girl named Goldilocks went for a walk in the forest. On her way, she came upon a house. She knocked at the door, but no one answered. So she walked right in. She found three bowls of porridge in the kitchen.
Goldilocks : I’m very hungry. Let me taste this porridge from the first bowl.
Narrator : She tasted the porridge from the first bowl.
Goldilocks : ‘Ouch! This porridge is too hot! ’
Narrator : She tasted the porridge from the second bowl.
Goldilocks : This porridge is too cold.
Narrator : She tasted the last bowl of porridge.
Goldilocks : Ahhh, this porridge is just right.
Narrator : She ate it all up happily. She was feeling a little tired. So she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. She sat in the first chair to rest her feet.
Goldilocks : This chair is too big.
Narrator : She sat in the second chair.
Goldilocks : This chair is too big too!
Narrator : She whined and tried the last smallest chair.
Goldilocks : Ahhh, this chair is just right.
Narrator : But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces.

Scene – II

Narrator : Goldilocks was very tired by this time. So she went upstairs to the bedroom.She tried all the beds and as the two beds were hard, she choose the smaller bed, which was soft. She laid down on it and at last, she fell asleep. As she was sleeping, the three bears, who lived in that house, came home.
Papa bear : Someone’s been eating my porridge.
Mama bear : Yes, someone had tasted my porridge.
Baby bear : Someone had eaten all my porridge.
Papa bear : Someone’s been sitting in my chair.
Mama bear : Someone’s been sitting in my chair too.
Baby bear : Someone’s been Sitting in my chair and they’ve broken it all to pieces.
Narrator : They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the
bedroom, Papa bear growled.
Papa bear : Someone’s been sleeping in my bed.
Mama bear : Someone has been sleeping in my bed too.
Baby bear : Someone is still sleeping on my bed.
Narrator : Just then Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. She screamed.
Goldilocks : Help! Help!

She jumped up and ran out of the room. She ran down the stairs, opened the door and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three bears.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book Additional Questions

I. Select The Suitable Synonyms.

Question 1.
(a) rolling
(b) screaming
(c) falling down
(c) falling down

Question 2.
(a) hateful
(b) smiling
(c) sorrowful
(a) hatefull

Question 3.
(a) kind
(b) clever
(c) unkind
(c) unkinds

Question 4.
(a) Clean
(b) destroy
(c) burn
(c) clean

Question 5.
(a) leopards
(b) deer
(c) Wolves
(b) deer

Question 6.
(a) frightens
(b) wakes
(c) confuses
(c) confuses

Question 7.
(a) shabby
(b) weak
(c) tired
(a) shabby

Question 8.
(a) shout
(b) the cry of a wolf or dog
(c) sound
(b) the cry of a wolf or dog bound

Question 9.
(a) leap
(b) walk
(c) stride
(a) leap

Question 10.
(a) neglecting
(b) taking care of
(c) destroying
(b) taking care of

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

II. Select The Suitable Antonyms.

Question 1.
(a) leisure
(b) sleep
(c) work
(c) work

Question 2.
(a) ignoble
(b) gentle
(c) dignified
(a) ignoble

Question 3.
(a) wet
(b) warm
(c) arid
(a) wet

Question 4.
(a) far
(b) close to
(c) next to
(a) far

Question 5.
(a) anything
(b) something
(c) the whole thing
(b) something

Question 6.
(a) thankful
(b) ungrateful
(c) thoughtful
(b) ungreateful

Question 7.
(a) wise
(b) idiot
(c) block head
(a) wise

Question 8.
(a) always
(b) not at all
(c) not ever
(a) always

Question 9.
(a) poorest
(b) cheapest
(c) strongest
(c) strongest

Question 10.
(a) stronger
(b) softer
(c) heavier
(b) softer

Question 11.
(a) giggled
(b) smiled
(c) cried
(d) cried

Question 12.
(a) brave
(b) bright
(c) timid
(c) timid

Question 13.
(a) sunny
(b) cold
(c) pleasant
(b) cold

Question 14.
(a) cramped
(b) broad
(c) tight
(b) broad

Question 15.
(a) seriously
(b) badly
(c) cheerfully
(c) cheerfully

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

III. Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
The Scene I opens in the ________ Hills.
(a) Spring down
(b) Seeonee
(c) Jungle
(d) Forest
(b) Seeonee

Question 2.
Shere Khan was the tiger, who lived near the Waingunga river ________ miles away.
(a) ten
(b) thirty
(c) twenty
(d) five
(c) twenty

Question 3.
I have to kill for ________ these days.
(a) three
(b) five
(c) four
(d) two
(d) two

Question 4.
That is why he has only killed ________
(a) horses
(b) cattle
(c) leopards
(d) elephants
(b) cattle

Question 5.
Are there not enough ________ and Man and on our ground too!
(a) beetles
(b) spiders
(c) butterflies
(d) bucks
(a) beetles

Question 6.
Then there was a howl – an untigerish howl – from ________
(a) Mother Wolf
(b) Father Wolf
(c) Tabaqui
(c) Shere Khan
(d) Shere Khan

Question 7.
The fool had no more sense than to jump at a campfire and burned his ________
(a) legs
(b) hands
(c) feet
(d) face
(c) feet

Question 8.
They take ________ from the Head of the pack.
(a) orders
(b) food
(c) calls
(d) compliments
(a) orders

Question 9.
Each dog barks in his own ________
(a) kennel
(b) yard
(c) place
(d) habitat
(b) yard

Question 10.
The cub must be shown to the ________
(a) parents
(b) head
(c) pack
(d) wolves
(c) pack

IV. Very Short Answer Questions.

Question 1.
What was the time, when the scene opens?
It was seven o’clock in the evening.

Question 2.
How was the nose of Mother wolf?
It was a big grey nose.

Question 3.
How many cubs did the Mother wolf had?
She had four cubs.

Question 4.
Who was Tabaqui?
Tabaqui was a Jackal, the only friend of Shere Khan and also messenger to him.

Question 5.
Where did Shere Khan live?
It lived near the Waingunga River, twenty miles away from Seeonee Hills.

Question 6.
By what name does Shere Khan’s call him?
Shere Khan’s mother called him Lungri (the Lame One).

Question 7.
Why does she call him so?
She called him so because he had been lame in one foot from his birth.

Question 8.
Where was the valley?
The Valley was below the Seeonee Hills, and it ran down a little river.

Question 9.
Who jumped into the wood cutter’s campfire?
Shere Khan jumped into the wood cutter’s fire.

Question 10.
What was the baby doing?
The baby was pushing his way between the cubs to get close to the warm hide.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

V. Short Answer Questions.

Question 1.
As soon as Father Wolf wakes up, what does he do?
As soon as Father Wolf wakes up, he releases and spreads out his paws one after the other to make himself ready for the hunt.

Question 2.
Where did Mother Wolf drop her cubs?
Mother Wolf dropped her four tumbling and squealing cubs into the mouth of the cave, where they all live.

Question 3.
What does the Jackal say about the young ones of the wolf?
It praised them saying that they are beautiful, noble and young, with large eyes.

Question 4.
Where does Shere Khan shift his hunting ground?
Shere Khan had shifted his hunting grounds to Seeonee Hills for the next moon.

Question 5.
What was the law of the jungle according to Father Wolf?
The law of the jungle, forbids Shere Khan to change his quarters without due warning. ‘

Question 6.
To what did the whine of the Shere Khan had changed?
The whine of Shere Khan had changed to a sort of humming purr that seemed to come from every quarter of the compass. ‘

Question 7.
How did the noise of Shere Khan affect the wood cutters and gypsies?
The noise of Shere Khan bewildered the wood cutters and gypsies, sleeping in the open and makes them run sometimes into the very mouth of the tiger.

Question 8.
Describe the man-cub who came to the wolf’s cave.
The man-cub was a naked baby, who could just walk and looked soft and as dimpled a little atom as ever came to a wolf’s cave at night.

Question 9.
How did Mother Wolf face Shere Khan?
Mother Wolf shook herself clear of the cubs and sprang forward. Her eyes were , like the two green moons in the darkness. She faced the blazing eyes of Shere Khan bravely.

Question 10.
What was the name given to the man cub? What does it mean?
Mother Wolf named the man-cub as ‘Mowgli’. It means the little frog.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

VI. Paragraph Questions and Answers.

Question 1.
What do you know about The Jungle Book*?
The Jungle Book was written by Rudyard Kipling. The book has attracted audiences of all ages for its plot structure and characters. Children especially enjoy this story, as it deals with the early childhood of a boy in the midest of wild animals in the forest. It has many episodes such as the acceptance of Mowgli by the pack of wolves, the friendship between Bagheera, the black panther and Mowgli. Bagheera serves as a friend, protector and mentor to the man-cub. It has also episodes of Mowgli’s adventurous trips in the jungle with Baloo, the bear and the fight between Mowgli and the monkey’s gang. Mowgli was forced to leave the jungle. But after sometime, he decides to return to the jungle and lives there.

Question 2.
Explain In detail about the law of the Jungle.
The law of the Jungle, which never orders anything without a reason, forbids every beast to eat Man, except when he is killing to show his children how to kill and then he must hunt outside the hunting grounds of his pack or tribe. The real reason for this is that Man-killing means, sooner or later, the arrival of men on elephants with guns and rockets and torches. Then everybody in the jungle suffers. The reasons the beasts give among themselves is that Man is the weakest and most defenceless of all living things.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

Grammar – Additional

Kinds of Sentences

The sentence is the basic unit of grammar. It must begin with a capital letter and usually end with a full stop. It must make complete sense. It must have a subject and a finite verb. It is of four types.

1. Declarative Sentences
These,are statements. They state facts, report events or describe things.

  • P.T. Usha ran the race.
  • Birds fly.

2. Interrogative Sentences
These are questions. They begin with words like who, v^tich, what, why, how, where, when etc. We put a question mark at the end.

  • Why did it happen?
  • Did you do it?
  • How are you?

3. Exclamatory Sentences
These express surprise, admiration, sorrow etc.
They close with exlamation marks (!)

  • What a fast runner Carl Lewis is!
  • Amazing, he got the first prize!
  • What a pity, India did not win the World Cup!

4. Imperative Sentences
These give orders.

  • Shut the door.
  • Clean the room.
  • Get me some water.

Noun Phrase

Noun phrase is a noun or any words in the sentence that modify it. Words that can modify nouns include articles, adjectives, participles and possessive pronouns. A noun phrase can be a single word (just the noun) or more than one word.

Eg. (1) a yellow house, (2) the glistening snow.

  • Karen lives in the yellow house.
  • The glistening snow covered the field.
  • The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
  • The end of the season is hard for some athletes.
  • A sailor’s best friend is a wide open sea.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

I. Read the situation given, write the response of the subject in a sentence.

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II. Arrange the jumbled words into a sentence and pick out adjectives.

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III. Read the sentence, insert appropriate articles in the blanks and circle the noun phrases.

Question 1.
I hope to win _______ first prize.
I hope to win the first prize

Question 2.
I tried to solve _______ difficult puzzle.
I tried to solve a (diffcult puzzle)

Question 3.
This is _______ amazing story.
This is an (amazing story)

Question 4.
He sings _______ melancholic song.
He sings a (melancholic song)

Question 5.
The accused refused to answer _______ expected questions.
The accused refused to answer the expected questions

Question 6.
We reached _______ shore temple af 10 a.m.
We reached the shore temple af 10 a.m.

Question 7.
It was _______ unpleasant experience
It was an unpleasant experience

Question 8.
My teacher explained the lesson with _______ beautiful diagram.
My teacher explained the lesson with a beautiful diagram

Question 9.
We reached home, after visiting _______ wonderful beach resort.
We reached home, after visiting the wonderful beach resort

Question 10.
My mother gave me _______ set of story books as my birthday present.
My mother gave me a (set of story books) as my birthday present.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

IV. Complete the dialogue by using, suitab’e adjectives in the blanks.

Ravi : I like your new refrigerator.
Mahesh : Why? Is it big?
Ravi : It’s very big and very modern.
Mahesh : I still have my old refrigerator?
Ravi : You do. But it’s very small
Mahesh : Do you want to buy it?
Ravi : Oh no! I would like to buy a new one. But I’ll find out, if anyone wants the old one.
Mahesh : Thank you. It is in good condition as it well maintained.

Textual Activities

Warm Up

Look at the pictures given below and talk about their habitat (living place, food, family, etc, )
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 13
Every living organism has- a habitat. Habitats vary greatly from organism to organism, because all living things have different needs for survival. A human being needs a beautiful house to live in. He needs good healthy food and a loving family around him. Most people prefer to live in cities.

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Animals like Tigers, Lions and Monkeys live in the forests or jungles. They are happy to be in their habitat instead of being caught and kept in zoos. Lions live generally in western India and African Savannah, where the forest is not so dense. These grasslands invite a lot of herbivores to come there and be hunted by the lions. Gorillas thrive in the tropical and sub-tropical forests that run along the equatorial belt. Abundant and green vegetation is the main characteristic of the gorilla habitat. Gorillas form a family of 15-20 consisting of adults and kids and live peacefully.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book Summary

Section I

The Jungle book was written by Rudyard Kipling. Children enjoy this story, as it deals with the early childhood of a boy in the midst of wild animals in the forest. The characters in this story are Father Wolf, Mother Wolf, Tabaqui (the Jackal), Shere Khan (the Tiger), Man’s Cub (Mowgli), Wolf’s Cubs and the Narrator.

The scene opens in the Seeonee Hills. It was seven o’clock in the evening. There were no stars in the sky. It was utter darkness in the forest. Father Wolf woke up from his day’s rest and got ready for the hunt. Mother Wolf dropped her four tumbling cubs into the mouth of the cave, where they all live. Father Wolf moved down to spring downhill, where he meets Tabaqui, the jackal. He informed the Father Wolf and the Mother Wolf that Shere Khan had shifted his hunting grounds.

So he had told Tabaqui that he will hunt among those hills for the next moon. Shere Khan was the Tiger, who lived near the Waingunga river, twenty miles away from the Seeonee Hills. Father Wolf got angry and told that he had no right to come there and change his quarters with due warning. Mother Wolf told them that since Shere Khan had been lame in one foot right from his birth, his mother called him Lungri (the Lamd One). The villagers of the Waingunga were angry with him and he had come there to make their villagers angry. She said that they must run away by setting fire on Shere Khan. Hearing this, the Jackal moved away saying that they can hear Shere Khan below in the forest.

Section II

Father Wolf listened to the dry, angry whine of a tiger, who has caught nothing. Father Wolf called Shere Khan a fool to begin a night’s work with that noise. Mother Wolf told him that Shere Khan intends to hunt a man and not any other animal. The whine of the Shere Khan had changed to a sort of humming purr that seemed to come from every quarter of the compass. It was the noise that frightened everyone in the jungle.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

Section III

The law of the jungle never orders anything without a reason, forbids every beast to eat man, except when he is killing to show his children how to kill and then he must hunt outside the hunting grounds of his pack or tribe. The purr grew louder and there was an untigerish howl from Shere Khan. He howled because he had burnt his feet, as he accidently jumped into a woodcutter’s campfire. The bushes rustled a little in the forest and so Father Wolf was ready for his leap. When he saw a Man’s cub, he stopped to leap at him. This naked baby looked up into Father’s Wolf’s face and laughed.

The baby pushed his way between the cubs to get close to the warm hide. Mother Wolf was happy to have the man’s cub with them. Shere Khan came to the entrance and asked for the baby. The mouth of the cave was too narrow for a tiger to go into it. The Mother Wolf came forward facing Shere Khan bravely. She said that the Man’s cub belonged to her. He would live with them and in the end would hunt Shere Khan. Father Wolf looked amazed at the courage of Mother Wolf. Shere Khan backed out of the cave growling and insisting that the man club belonged to him.

Section IV

Mother Wolf threw herself down panting among the cubs, and when Father Wolf asks her whether she wanted to keep the Man-cub, she said that she would keep him with her cubs. Shere Khan would have killed him, if she had let him out. She named him as ‘Mowgli’ the little Frog and told him that he had to hunt Shere Khan, as he had hunted him.