Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 12 Employee Training Method Notes
→ Each and every organization needs the services of trained persons for performing the better activities in a systematic way.
→ Training is the act of increasing the new skill of problem solving activity and technical knowledge of the employee.
→ According to Edwin B. Flippo “Training is the act of increasing the Knowledge and skills of an employee for doing particular jobs”.
→ According to Mathis and Jackson “Training is a learning process whereby people learn skills, concepts, attitudes and knowledge to aid in the achievement of goals.
→ Dale S. Bean defined training as “the organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skill for a definite purpose”
→ Training is one of the planned activities to transfer or modify knowledge, skills and attitude. Every training programme must contain the following steps: (i) Whom to Train (ii) Who is the Trainee (iii) Who are Trainers (iv) What Method will be used for Training (v) What should be Level the Training (vi) Where to Conduct the Training Programme
→ Training Methods:
1. On the Job Training
(a) Coaching Method
(b) Mentoring Method
(c) Job Rotation Method
(d) Job Instruction Techniques Method
2. Off the Job training
(a) Lecture Method
(b) Group Discussion Method
(c) Case Study Method
(d) Role Play Method
(e) Seminar Method
(f) Vestibule Training Method
(g) E-leaming Method
→ Training improves the skill of employees and enhances productivity and profitability of the entity. It also adds to the knowledge, skill and competency of the employees.