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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Speech Writing
Check out the topics covered in Writing Speech Writing Questions and Answers before you start your preparation. Improve your grammar skills with the help of Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Book Solutions Questions and Answers pdf links. The solutions for Tamilnadu State Board 11th English Textbook are prepared by the English experts. So, if you follow Tamilnadu State Board Solutions 11th English Textbook Solutions you can cover all the topics in Writing Speech Writing Questons and Answers. This helps to improve your communication skills.
(i) You are Arun/Akila. You have to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Education Gives One Power’. You have jotted down the following notes:
Education trains mind—sharpens skill and abilities—Education: a source of power— improve self—be independent—earn money—ignorance to knowledge—removes superstition—develops a free spirit—important for women: gives them freedom from social ills—independent—responsible.
Write your speech in 150-200 words.
Education Gives Power
Respected Principal, teachers and friends!
Education provides us knowledge. It trains our mind and sharpens our skills and abilities. Education refines our tastes and temperaments and builds our thought process. Vocational courses help young boys to earn and learn together. They provide means of earning livelihood and open the route to employment. Professional courses, as is evident from the name itself, equip us for adopting various professions. Some of these highly skilled professionals seek placements or jobs in esteemed companies and business concerns. Thus education is important for our survival. Decent living is impossible without good income or high salary.
Education improves the quality of our life and frees us of superstition, foolish, meaningless mind-blocks and rituals. If women are educated the whole family benefits as the food is hygienically prepared, children are healthy, well-mannered and disciplined. Education gives us power over our environment. We can control the situation and shape our destiny. Education spreads awareness among people and gives them freedom from social ills. It makes people independent by providing them means to earn their living. They become responsible citizens and realise their rights and duties. In short, education gives one power.
Thank you.
(ii) Shweta has to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on the topic: ‘The Generation Gap is Destroying Family Life’.
Write her speech in about 150-200 words.
The Generation Gap Is Destroying Family Life
Respected Chairman, honorable judges, members of the staff and my dear friends!
I stand before you to speak my mind on ‘The Generation Gap is Destroying Family Life’. There are many points to support this contention.
The generation gap has caused a chasm between the old and the young. There is a clash of ideas and ideals, tastes, way of thinking and life-style. The young hanker after luxury, comfort and material happiness. They believe in full enjoyment and complete freedom. The elders insist on moral and spiritual values. They advocate renunciation and control on desires. The children think that their parents are slave to customs.
The generation gap is evident in the behaviour and manners of the two classes. The elders believe in strict obedience to a superior authority. They want that children must respect their elders and leam to be polite. The children pine for freedom. They resent all sorts of curbs. They demand freedom of expression. They want to have a say in family affairs. They insist that their views must be given proper consideration. This leads to bickerings, heart-burning and . tension in the family.
The elders insist on discipline and strict compliance of their orders. They advocate smiling acceptance of punishment meted out for breach of discipline. The young insist on unrestrained freedom and frankness. They advocate freedom of self-expression and are unwilling to tolerate any interference in their personal affairs—career, love-affair or marriage. Thus there is a wide gap between the two generations. This difference in their way of thinking and behavior is destroying family life.
Hence, I conclude that ‘The generation gap is destroying family life’.
Thank you.
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