Looking to improve English skills and gain more subject knowledge then the best resources that you can use here is Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Solutions for Vocabulary Clipped Words Questions and Answers.
In the Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Guide for textbook solutions, subject experts covered all types of questions and answers related to the topics, quick notes, summary, solved & unsolved exercises, etc. If you are planning to prepare Chapter via textbook, then you’re suggested to go with this Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Book Solutions Questions and Answers PDF for better understanding and preparation.
Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Vocabulary Clipped Words
English Subject experts who are having max years of experience prepared this Tamilnadu State Board Solutions for 10th English Vocabulary Clipped Words Questions and Answers. They have explained all the topics covered in the board prescribed latest syllabus in a simple way to understand easily. So, students can prepare English from this Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Book Questions and Answers PDF. Download the Tamilnadu State Board 10th English Workbook Answers PDF by accessing the below links and learn properly for the final exams to score well.
Some examples of clipped words
1. | aeroplane | plane |
2. | agriculture | Agri |
3. | alchemist | chemist |
4. | alumni/alumna | alum |
5. | amend | mend |
6. | apollinaris | Polly![]() |
7. | automobile | auto |
8. | beautiful | beauty |
9. | biology | bio |
10. | botany | bot |
11. | brassiere | bra |
12. | brother | bro |
13. | burst | bust |
14. | buttocks | butt |
15. | cablegram | cable |
16. | cafeteria | cafe |
17. | calculus | calc |
18. | cellphone | cell |
19. | centum | cent |
20. | champion | champ |
21. | chemistry | chem |
22. | chimpanzee | chimp |
23. | cleric | clerk |
24. | coattails | tails |
25/ | coca-cola / cocaine | coke |
26. | coeducational | coed |
27. | comprehensive | comp |
28. | condominium | condo |
29. | co-operative | co-op |
30. | cousin | cous |
31. | cucumber | cuke |
32. | daddy | dad |
33. | daily paper | daily |
34. | delicatessen / delicacy | deli |
35. | dental / dentistry | dent |
36t, | detective | tec |
37. | differential | diff![]() |
38. | disport | sport |
39. | distill | still |
40. | doctor | doc |
41. | dormitory | dorm |
42. | drapery | drape |
43. | earthquake | quake |
44. | ecology | eco |
45. | electronic mail | |
46. | enthusiasm | enthu |
47. | examination | exam |
48. | fabulous | fab |
49. | faggot | fag |
50. | fraternity | frat |
51. | gabble | gab |
52. | gasoline | gas |
53. | gentleman | gent |
54. | graduate | grad |
55. | Gypsy | gyp |
56. | hackney | hack |
57. | head-shrinker | shrink |
58. | hippopotamus | hippo |
59. | homosexual | homo |
60. | information | info |
61. | internet | net |
62. | jet aircraft | jet |
63. | laboratory | lab |
64. | lavatory | lav |
65. | limousine | limo |
66. | literature | lit![]() |
67. | lubricate | lube |
68. | luncheon | lunch |
69. | mathematics | maths |
70. | maximum | max |
71. | medical | medic |
72. | memorandum | memo |
73. | mistress | miss |
74. | mobile vulgus | mob |
75. | modem | mod |
76. | mommy | mom |
77. | motorcar | car |
78. | moving picture | movie |
79. | non-vegetarian | non-veg |
80. | oleomargarine | margarine |
81. | parachute | chute |
82. | parole d’honneur | parole |
83. | penitentiary | pen |
88. | photograph | photo |
89. | pianoforte | piano |
90. | popular | pop |
91. | president | pres |
92. | professional | pro |
93. | professor | prof |
94. | promenade | prom |
95. | psychology | psych |
96. | public house | pub |
97. | pugnacious | pug |
98. | pyjamas | jams / jammies |
99. | quadrangle / quadraphonic | quad |
100. | raccoon | coon |
101. | referee/reference | ref![]() |
102. | refrigerator | fridge |
103. | representative | rep |
104. | revolution / reverend | rev |
105. | rhinoceros | rhino |
106. | robot | bot |
107. | saxophone | sax |
108. | schizophrenic | schizo |
109. | scramble | scram |
110. | squadron | squad |
111.. | specifications | specs |
112. | statistics | stats |
113. | sweat suit | sweats |
114. | synchronise | sync |
115. | teacher | teach |
116. | technical | tech |
117. | teenager | teen |
118. | telephone | phone |
119. | television | tele |
120. | trigonometry | trig |
121. | triumph | trump |
122. | trombone | bone |
123. | turnpike | pike |
124. | tuxedo | tux |
125. | tympani | tymps |
126. | universal joint | U joint |
127. | university | varsity |
128. | vegetarian | veg |
129. | veteran / veterinarian | vet |
130. | website | web |
131. | zoological garden | zoo |
Unclipped Words
1. | vet | veterinarian |
2. | typo | typographical error |
3. | taxi | taxicab |
4. | sub | submarine |
5. | sopho | sophomore |
6. | pop music | popular music |
7. | mike | microphone |
8. | perm | permanent wave |
9. | sci-fi | science fiction |
10. | car | carriage |
11. | mum | chrysanthemum |
12. | croc | crocodile![]() |
13. | deb | debutante |
14. | curio | curiosity |
15. | fax | facsimile |
16. | iron | flatiron |
17. | pant | pantaloon |
18. | burger | hamburger |
19. | ID | identification |
20. | recap | recapitulate |
21. | mart | market |
22. | gym | gymnasium |
23. | mini | minimum |
24. | stereo | stereophonic |
We hope the data given here will benefit you to the fullest extent at the time of preparation. For better understanding of English subject this Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Answers for Class 10th English Vocabulary Clipped Words PDF is the best resource. Download & ace up your preparation. Keep in touch with us and get the latest information on Tamilnadu State board Textbook Answers PDF.