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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Economics Solutions Chapter 2 Employment in India and Tamilnadu
Employment in India and Tamilnadu Textual Exercise
I. Choose the correct answer.
Employment In India And Tamilnadu Question 1.
We take age group …….. years for computation of the workforce.
(a) 12 – 60
(b) 15 – 60
(c) 21 – 65
(d) 5 – 14
(b) 15 – 60
Employment Pattern Changes Due To Answer Question 2.
Which is the correct sequence of various sectors in GDP of India in the descending order?
(a) Primary sector, Secondary sector, Tertiary sector
(b) Primary sector, Tertiary sector, Secondary sector
(c) Tertiary sector, Secondary sector, Primary sector
(d) Secondary sector, Tertiary sector, Primary sector
(a) Primary sector, Secondary sector, Tertiary sector
Employment Pattern Changes Due To Question 3.
Which one of the following sectors is the largest employer in India?
(a) Primary Sector
(b) Secondary Sector
(c) Tertiary Sector
(d) Public sector
(a) Primary Sector
Employment Pattern Changes Due To Dash Question 4.
Which one of the following is not in Primary Sector?
(a) Agriculture
(b) Manufacturing
(c) Mining
(d) Fishery
(b) Manufacturing
Question 5.
Which one of the following is not in the Secondary Sector?
(a) Construction
(b) Manufacturing
(c) Small Scale Industry
(d) Forestry
(d) Forestry
Question 6.
Tertiary Sector include/s …..
(a) Transport
(b) Insurance
(c) Banking
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
Question 7.
Match the List I with List II using the codes given below:
(b) 4, 3, 2, 1
Question 8.
Which sector is not included in the occupational pattern?
(a) Primary sector
(b) Secondary sector
(c) Tertiary sector
(d) Private sector
(d) Private sector
Question 9.
Which Delhi Sultan of medieval India formed ‘Employment Bureau’ to solve the un-employment problem?
(a) Muhamad Bin Tugluq
(b) Allauddin Khilji
(c) Feroz Shah Tugluq
(d) Balban
(c) Feroz Shah Tugluq
Question 10.
…….. sector is registered and follows government rules.
(a) Agriculture
(b) Organised
(c) Unorganised
(d) Private
(b) Organised
Question 11.
……. sector provides j.ob security and higher wages
(a) Public sector
(b) Organised sector
(c) Unorganised sector
(d) Private sector
(b) Organised sector
Question 12.
Find the odd one.
(a) Banking
(b) Railways
(c) Insurance
(d) Small Scale Industry
(b) Railways
Question 13.
The sectors are classified into Public and Private sectors on the basis of …
(a) number of workers employed
(b) nature of economic activity
(c) ownership of enterprises
(d) employment conditions
(c) ownership of enterprises
Question 14.
Assertion (A): The unorganised sector of the economy characterised by the household manufacturing activity and small-scale industry.
Reason (R): Jobs here are low paid and often not regular
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) explains (A)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) does not explain (A)
(c) (A) is correct and (R) is false
(d) (A) is false and (R) is true
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) explains (A)
Question 15.
People who employ workers and pay rewards for their work is termed as ……
(a) employee
(b) employer
(c) labour
(d) caretaker
(b) employer
Question 16.
……. continues to be the largest employer in Tamil Nadu.
(a) Agriculture
(b) Manufacturing
(c) Banking
(d) Small Scale Industry
(a) Agriculture
II. Fill in the blanks.
1. In ……. sector, the employment terms are not fixed and regular.
2. Economic activities are classified into ……….. and …… sectors.
3. ……… has always featured as an important element of development policy in India.
4. Employment pattern changes due to …….
5. The nature of employment in India is ………
6. ……. of the economy is the number of people in the country, who work and also
capable of working.
7. Public sector means ……… .
1. unorganised
2. Public and Private
3. Employment
4. life style of the people
5. multi-dimensional
6. Labour force
7. Government undertaking
III. Match the following.
1. (d)
2. (c)
3. (b)
4. (a)
IV. Give short answers.
Question 1.
What is labour force of the economy?
Labour force of the economy is the number of people in the country who work and also capable of working.
Question 2.
Why are children and old age (above 60 years) are not considered for computation of workforce?
We take the age group of 15-60 years for the computation of work force. Persons who are less than 15 years are considered as children and person who have crossed 60 years of age are excluded as they are not physically fit to undertake productive occupation. Hence they are not considered for computation of work force.
Question 3.
What are the three sectors of an economy?
The economy is classified into three sectors. Primary (or) Agriculture sector, Secondary (or) Industrial sector and Tertiary (or) Service sector.
Question 4.
Agriculture, despite a sharp decline in Gross Domestic Product, continues to be the largest employer in Tamil Nadu. Give reason.
Agriculture, despite a sharp decline in gross domestic product, continues to be the largest employer in Tamil Nadu. This is because the non-agriculture sectors are yet to generate enough employment to affect a shift of labour force.
V. Answer in detail.
Question 1.
(a) primary sector;
(b) secondary sector;
(c) tertiary sector.
The structure of employment denotes the number of workers engaged in different sectors of the economy.
Primary Sector: Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, poultry, dairy farming, fishing, etc. Secondary Section: Manufacturing, small and large scale industries and constructional activities. .
Tertiary Sector: Transport insurance banking, trade, communication, real estate, government and non-government services.
In developing countries like India that a large work force will be engaged in Primary Sector, while a small proportion in Secondary and Tertiary sectors.
Question 2.
Explain the employment structure of India.
- The nature of employment in India is multi-dimensional. Some get employment throughout the year; some others get employed for only a few months in a year.
- The economy is classified into three sectors: primary or agriculture sector, secondary or industrial sector and tertiary or service sector.
- The structure of employment denotes the number of workers engaged in different sectors of the economy.
- Though the occupational pattern varies from one country to another, one can find in developing countries like India that a large work force will be engaged in primary sector, while a small proportion in secondary and tertiary sectors.
- Whereas, in well-developed countries, the proportion of workforce engaged in agriculture will be very small and a majority of labour force will be in the industrial and tertiary sectors.
- Employment has always featured as an important element of development policy in India.
- Employment growth has increased at an average rate of 2% during the past four decades since 1972 – 73.
Question 3.
Compare the employment conditions prevailing in the organised and unorganised
Question 4.
Distinguish between the Public sector and the Private sector.
VI. Projects and Activities.
Question 1.
Make a long list of all kinds of work that you find for adults around you. In what way can you classify them?
(a) Agriculture, Food & Natural resources.
(b) Business, Management & Administration.
(c) Communication & Information Systems.
(d) Engineering, Manufacturing & Technology.
(e) Health Science Technology.
(f) Human Services.
Question 2.
A research scholar looked at the working people in the city of Chennai and found the following:
Question 3.
Classify the following list of occupations under primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Milk vendor, tailor, teacher, doctor, farmer, postman, engineer, potter, fisherman, artisans, policeman, banker, driver, carpenter.
Tertiary sector is in top position in the world now. Justify
- In a direct sense, the tertiary sector is mostly independent.
- This sector primarily includes those activities that help in the development of the primary and secondary sector.
- They aid and support the production process.
e.g., The transport sector, that uses trucks to transport finished products from factory to the retail stores. - Service sector also includes some essential services that may not directly help in the production of goods.
e.g., Teachers, doctors, washermen, barbers, etc. - Tertiary sector actually caters to the excess income in a person’s hand after he is successful in acquiring his basic needs.
This sector will remain a chief engine for future growth.
VIII. Life Skill.
Question 1.
Discuss the sectors of your village economy.
- The teacher will make the students to gain knowledge of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sector.
- The students will be asked to collect information regarding the three sectors.
- The students will be advised to classify the jobs available under Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sectors in their village.
Employment in India and Tamilnadu Additional Questions
I. Choose the correct answer.
Question 1.
The nature of employment in India is
(a) Two-dimensional
(b) Three dimensional
(c) Multi-dimensional
(d) All the above
(c) Multi-dimensional
Question 2.
This is Primary Sector.
(a) Agriculture
(b) Manufacturing
(c) Small scale Industries
(d) Banking
(a) Agriculture
Question 3.
This sector do not enjoy any special benefit.
(a) Organised Sector
(b) Unorganised Sector
(c) Public Sector
(d) Private Sector
(b) Unorganised Sector
Question 4.
Assertion (A): Unorganised sector jobs are low paid.
Reason (R): These employees have no job-security.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) explains (A)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) does not explain (A).
(c) (A) is correct and (R) is false
(d) (A) is false and (R) is true
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) does not explain (A).
Question 5.
Find the odd one.
(a) Transport
(b) Insurance
(c) Banking
(d) Poultry
(d) Poultry
Question 6.
This is Private Sector.
(a) TVS Motors
(b) NLC
(c) SAIL
(d) BSNL
(a) TVS Motors
II. Fill in the blanks.
1. To survive in the world we all need …… to earn money.
2. In well developed countries the proportion of work force engaged in ……. will be very smart.
3. …….. sector has some formal processes and procedures.
4. …….. are not registered with the government.
5. Most of the …….. in Tamil Nadu has been contributed by the unorganised and informal sectors.
1. employment
2. Agriculture
3. Organized
4. Unorganised Sectors
5. employment growth
III. Match the following.
1. (d)
2. (a)
3. (c)
4. (b)
IV. Give short answers.
Question 1.
Who are called employees ?
Those who are engaged in economic activities, in whatever capacity – high (or) low are called employees.
Question 2.
What is the nature of employment in India?
The nature of employment in India is multi-dimensional. Some get employment throughout the year. Some others get employed for only a few months in a year.
Question 3.
Mention the recent trends in the working pattern of the employees.
The trends are
(a) Increasing self-employment.
(b) Firms using fewer full-time employees and tending to offer more short-term contracts.
(c) There has been a growth in part-time employment.
Question 4.
What does structure of employment denote?
Structure of employment denotes number of workers engaged in different sectors of the economy.