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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Economics Solutions Term 2 Chapter 1 Economics An Introduction

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Economics An Introduction Textual Evaluation


I. Fill in the blanks:

  1. The producers of food grains are ______
  2. Collection of honey is a ______ occupation.
  3. The conversion of raw materials into finished goods is called ______
  4. According to Gandhiji the villages are ______ of the nation.
  5. The percentage of population in the cities of Tamil Nadu is ______


  1. farmers
  2. Primary
  3. manufacturing
  4. backbone
  5. 47 Percent

II. Match the following:

  1. Cattle rearing – Secondary occupation
  2. Food processing – Services
  3. Iron & Steel Industry – Primary occupation
  4. Telephone – Agro based industry
  5. Cotton Industry – Tertiary occupation


  1. Cattle rearing – Primary occupation
  2. Food processing – Agro based industry
  3. Iron & Steel Industry – Secondary occupation
  4. Telephone – Services (or) Tertiary occupation
  5. Cotton Industry – Agro based industry (or) Secondary occupation

III. Match and find the odd pair:

  1. Small scale Industry – Transaction of Money
  2. Forest based Industries – Information Technology
  3. Services – Paper Industries
  4. Banking – Cattle rearing


  1. Small scale Industry – Cattle rearing
  2. Forest based Industries – Paper Industries
  3. Services – Information Technology
  4. Banking – Transaction of Money

IV. Choose the correct answer:

  1. Agriculture is a (Primary / Secondary) occupation
  2. Economic activities are divided on the basis of (ownership / use)
  3. Sugar Industries are (Primary / Secondary) activity
  4. Agro based industry (Cotton / Furniture)
  5. Dairy farming is a (Public sector / Co-operative sector)


  1. Primary
  2. use
  3. Secondary
  4. Cotton
  5. Co-operative sector

V. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Sandhai – Define
In villages once in a week or month, all things are sold in a particular place at a specific time to meet the needs of the people. That is called Sandai.
What is called barter system?

  1. The system of exchanging goods for other goods is called barter system.
  2. This was followed in olden days.
  3. For example, exchange a bag of rice for enough clothes.


Question 2.
What is trade?
The action of buying and selling goods and services is called trade.

Question 3.
What is Savings?
The amount from the income which is left for future needs after consumption is called sayings.

Question 4.
What was the necessity for the invention of money?

  1. When people exchanged commodities, they might have faced, certain problems when comparing the differences in the value of commodity.
  2. To solve this problem, people invented a tool called money.

Question 5.
What was the reason for the development of settlements near water bodies?

  1. Rivers acts as the main source for cultivation of crops.
  2. So early man settled permanently near the rivers.


Question 7.
What are called secondary occupation?

  1. The raw materials obtained from the primary activities are converted into finished products through machinery on a large scale.
  2. These activities involve secondary occupation.

Question 8.
Name the city centred industries.
Cement, iron, and Aluminium industries, sea food processing are some of the city centered industries.

VI. Answer the following in detail:

Question 1.
List out the important primary occupations of your district.
Some of the primary occupation are agriculture, crop production, animals husbandry, fisheries, foresting and mining. It also includes gazing, hunting, gathering.

Question 2.
Mention the manufacturing industries found in your district.

  1. Cotton textiles
  2. Spinning and weaving
  3. Food processing industries
  4. Beedi production
  5. Wind power generations


Question 3.
How are the industries classified on the basis of raw materials?
On the basic of raw materials industries are classified as

  1. Agro Based Industries – Cotton textiles, Sugar mills and Food processing.
  2. Forest Based Industries – Paper mills, Furniture making, Building materials.
  3. Mineral Based Industries – Cement, Iron, Aluminium Industries. .
  4. Marine Based Industries – Sea food processing.

Question 4.
Write down the occupations in the service sector.

  1. Transport – Roadways, railways waterways, airways
  2. Communication – Post, Telephone, information Technology etc.
  3. Trade – Procurment of goods, selling
  4. Banking – Money transactions, banking services


Question 5.
What do you know about the features of cities?

  1. A city is a large human settlement.
  2. High density of population.
  3. Four way roads, flyovers, sky scrapers, parks.
  4. Educational institution, hospital, Government offices.
  5. Private and public industries and technological institutions.
  6. Employment opportunities permanent monthly income, basic requirements are

VII. Fill in the tabular column given below:

S.No.Occupations in VillagesOccupations in citiesOccupations in Villages and cities
2.Grazing of HerdingScientistsTeacher
4.PotteryJournalistsSelf employed
5.Water BearersDoctorsMarketing

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Economics An Introduction Intext Questions


Question 1.
Imagine if money disappears one day?

  1. In our daily life we utilize many things. These things are sold in shops. To buy and sell commodities we use money. If we save money it is good for us and the country.
  2. Money is the lubrication for the movement of goods. If these contracts symbolized by money disappeared, there would be instant chaos. All activity would grind to a halt.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Economics An Introduction Intext Activities

Activity – 3

Fill up the given table.

2.BrazilBrazilian realR$

Activity – 4
Put ✓ mark in appropriate box





Tertiary activity
5.Bank Manager

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Economics An Introduction Additional Questions

I. Fill In the blanks:

  1. Things which are produced in villages are brought to
  2. The permanent settlements of early man were called
  3. The root of our economy is
  4. The raw material for sugar is
  5. Banks help in of money.


  1. Sandhai
  2. Villages
  3. Agriculture
  4. Sugare cane
  5. Circulation


II. Match the following:

1.Exchange of goodsa.Primary Activity
4.Buying and sellingd.Barter
5.Communicatione.Mineral based


  1. d
  2. a
  3. e
  4. b
  5. c

III. Find the odd pair:


Harvesting products             ‘a.



Goods and servicesb.








IV. Choose the correct answer and fill in the appropriate column:

  1. Coal miner
  2. Automobile assembling plant
  3. Grocery store
  4. Helicopter pilot
  5. Fisherman
  6. Firefighters
  7. Cashier
  8. Delivery man
  9. Oil well
  10. Furniture maker
  11. Timber cutters
  12. Cotton farmer
  13. Oil refinery.


1.Coal minerAutomobile assembling plantGrocery store
2.FishermanFurniture makerHelicopter pilot
3.Oil wellOil refineryFire fighters
4.Timber cuttersCashier
5.Cotton farmerDelivery man .

V. Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
What art consumer goods?

  1. The finished goods which are bought from the market to fulfill the daily needs of the consumers is called consumer goods.
  2. Example: Rice, Cloth, Bicycle etc.


Question 2.
Mention a few primary activities.
Agriculture, Cattle rearing, fishing, mining, collection of fruits, nuts, honey, rubber, resin and medicinal herbs, lumbering etc are primary activities.

VI. Give a detailed answer :
Question 1.
What is economics? Why is if so important?

  1. Economics is the study of how societies, governments, business establishments, households and individuals allocate their scarce resources.
  2. The study of economics can also provide valuable knowledge for making decisions
    in everyday life.
  3. Economics is about the study of scarcity and choice.
  4. By studying how markets work, our young people also learn how to make efficient choices in managing their own scarce resources, such as time and money.