Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Book Solutions Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

I. Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Which of these is an example for biotic factor?
(a) Water
(b) Goat
(c) Air
(b) Goat

Question 2.
Our environment is surrounded by ________.
(a) biotic factors
(b) abiotic factors
(c) both biotic and abiotic factors
(c) both biotic and abiotic factors

Question 3.
Human beings depend on ________ for their food.
(a) plants
(b) soil
(c) wood
(a) plants

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Question 4.
_________ are the primary producers.
(a) Non-green plants
(b) Green plants
(c) dry leaves
(b) Green plants

Question 5.
Which is an example for decomposer?
(a) Mango tree
(b) Bacteria
(c) Deer
(b) Bacteria

Question 6.
Which of these living things would die if there were no green plants on Earth?

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment 1

(a) a and c only
(b) b and d only
(c) d and a only
(d) a, b, c and d
(d) a, b, c and d

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

II. Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
_________ is a consumer. (Cow / Soil)

Question 2.
A young plant is known as _______. (tree / sapling)

Question 3.
Planting of sapling provides ________. (oxygen / land)

Question 4.
World Environment bay is ________. (June 15th / June 5th)
June 5th

Question 5.
________ get food from dead plants and animals. (becomposers / Producers)

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

III. Match the following:

1. Stonea. Consumer
2. Bacteriab. Abiotic factor
3. Plantsc. Decomposer
4. Buffalod. Producers


1. Stonea. Abiotic factor
2. Bacteriab. Decomposer
3. Plantsc. Producers
4. Buffalod. Consumer

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

IV. Say true or false.

Question 1.
Abiotic factors are important for biotic factors.

Question 2.
River is an example for biotic factor.

Question 3.
‘Van Mahotsav’ is organised during the first week of July every year.

Question 4.
Plants are the consumers.

Question 5.
Plants provide food and shelter to living things.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

V. Answer the following.

Question 1.
Vijay placed two things ‘p’ and ‘R’ (one living and one non-living) in seperate cages with food and water.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment 2

a. Which thing is likely to be a living thing? Give reason for your answer.
Only living thing ‘P’ can gain weight after taking food and water. Other thing ‘R’ will not show any weight gain.

b. What will be the weight of living thing in week 6?
12 kg

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Question 2.
Write two examples for biotic and abiotic factors.

Human beingAir

Question 3.
Write any three differences between living and non-living things.

Biotic Factors (Living things)Abiotic Factors (Non Living things)
They can breathe and growThey cannot breathe and grow
They need food to liveThey do not need food to live
They can feelThey cannot feel
They give birth to young onesThey do not give birth to young ones

Question 4.
List the abiotic factors needed for insects.
Soil, Small Creatures, Air, Plants.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Question 5.
What are the biotic factors of a balanced ecosystem?
The biotic factors in an ecosystem includes producers, consumers, and decomposers.

Question 6.
Why plants are called primary producers?
Green plants make their own food by the process of photosynthesis. Hence, they are called primary producers.

Question 7.
Write any four benefits of plants.
(i) Provide oxygen for breathing.
(ii) Provide food and shelter to living things.
(iii) Help in bringing rainfall.
(iv) Offer a good environment to live.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

In-Text Activity:

Let us try (Text Book Page No. 58):

Question 1.
Write the names of the animals that you see in the previous page picture.

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Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment 4

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Question 2.
Classify the following into natural things and man-made things.
(Dam, river, coconut tree, building, jasmine flower, hill, cloud, silver vessel, cell phone, temple, cake, air, sun, ship, water, pencil, book, doll, football, sunflower, crocodile, aeroplane)

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment 5


Natural thingsMan-Made things
River, Jasmine flower, Hill, Cloud, Air, Sun, Water, Sun flower, Crocodile, Coconut tree.Dam, Building, Silver Vessel, Cell Phone, Temple, Cake, Ship, Pencil, Book, Doll, Foot Ball, Aeroplane

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Let us connect (Text Book Page No. 59):

Match the following sources with their products and uses.

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Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Let us try (Text Book Page No. 61):

Question 1.
Classify the following as Biotic / Abiotic factors.

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Question 2.
Think and Answer (Text Book Page No. 61):

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment 10

a. A swing goes to and fro. Is it living or non-living? ________

b. We get wood from trees which are the living things. A chair is made from wood. Is the chair a living thing or a non-living thing?
non-living thing.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Try to Answer (Text Book Page No. 62):

Look at the picture and answer the question.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment 11

Which of the non-living things can float?
a. Iron rod
b. Stone
c. Air filled ball
d. Coin
c. Air filled ball

Let us try (Text Book Page No. 62):

The following statements describe some of the characteristics of living things. Identify and write the characteristic features using the given hints.
(Characteristics Hints: Move, Breathe, feel, Needs food, Grow, Reproduce)

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment 12


StatementsCharacteristics features
Touch-me-not plant closes its leaves when it is touchedFeel
A papaya seed becomes a papaya treeGrow
A dove flies in the skyMoves
A cow eats grassNeeds food
A cat qives birth to kittensReproduce
Humanbeings and animals breathe in and breathe out air.Breathe

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Let us play (Text Book Page No. 62):

Divide the class into two groups and ask the first group to write any five biotic factors and the second group to write any five abiotic factors seen around the school.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment 13


Biotic factorsAbiotic factors
CatBlack Board
DogChalk piece
ManTiffen box

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Write the needs of the following (Text Book Page No. 63):

Question 1.
Birds : _____, _____, _____, ______
air, water, sunlight, winds, trees.

Question 2.
Insects : _____, _____, _____, ______
Soil, small creatures, plants, air.

Question 3.
Human beings : _____, _____, _____, ______
Plants, water, air , animals, sunlight.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Let us discuss (Text Book Page No. 64):

Question 1.
There is a large banyan tree in a park. Monkeys and all birds have made the tree their home. Humans too spend time under the tree. Discuss with your friends, how the tree, monkeys, birds, and humans are interdependent.

Question 2.
Why is the plant most important living thing?
Monkeys and birds have made the tree their home. Humans too spend time under the tree.

Question 3.
Discuss in a group and create an interlink of living and non-living factors.

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Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Let us try (Text Book Page No. 64):

Question 1.
write the abiotic factors needed for the following biotic factors to survive.
(Air, Water, Sunlight, Soil, Land, Wheat, Fruits, Grass, Hen)
a. Animals: __________
b. Plants: _________
c. Human beings: _________
a. Animals: Air, water, sunlight, grass
b. Plants: Sunlight, water, air, soil
c. Human beings: Sunlight, water, air, land, wheat, fruits, hen

Question 2.
An animal that,

a. Flies in the air is : ________

b. Lives in water is : ________

c. Moves on the ground is : ________

d. Eats only plants is : ________

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Intext Question:

Imagine an environment where there are only plants, deer, and lions.

Question 1.
What will happen to the deer, if we remove all the lions?
If all the Lions are removed from the forest, then the number of secondary consumers will be increased and scarcity of plant (food) occur due to the overpopulation of deers and cause an imbalance in the ecosystem.

Question 2.
What will happen to the plants, if there are no lions to eat the deer?
If all the deer are removed from the forest, other host unable to get food. Such as, lions unable to get sufficient food for being alive and as a result, the lion population gradually die due to starvation. This will affect the food chain and leads to an imbalance in ecosystem.

Question 3.
If all the plants are eaten, what will happen to the deer?
Deers unable to get sufficient food for being alive, as a result deer population gradually die due to starvation.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Let us try (Text Book Page No. 66):

Classify the following biotic factors.
(Tulsi, Fungi, Mango tree, Rabbit, Eagle, Cat, Dog, Cucumber plant, Human, Grass, Crocodile, Crow, Bacteria)

Question 1.
Producers: _________, _________, _________, ________, _________
Mango tree, Tulsi, Cucumber, Plant, Grass.

Question 2.
Consumers: _________, _________, _________, ________, _________
Eagle, Human, Crocodile, Crow, Rabbit, Cat, Dog.

Question 3.
Decomposers: _________, _________, _________, ________, _________
Fungi, Bacteria.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Let us discuss (Text Book Page No. 66):

Question 1.
Let us discuss and write.
Plants and human beings are living things. Why do human beings depend on plants?
Human beings depend on plants for their food, clothing, breathing, medicines, etc.

Let us try (Text Book Page No. 66):

The names of several natural resources are hidden in the box be! find as many possible. Some words are repeated.

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Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Let us connect (Text Book Page No. 67):

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Let us do (Text Book Page No. 67):

A. Write any two uses of trees.

  1. Trees provide shade and shelter
  2. Trees clean the air.

E. Write some slogans on 5ave Plants and paste them on the tree in your school campus/roadsides. (E.g., Take care of the Earth and it will take care of you. It’s not yours, nor mine, it’s ours).

  1. It is time for greeny and not greedy.
  2. Love your life & plant more trees.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

3rd Standard Science Guide Our Environment Additional Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer.

Question 1.
Our ________ consists of both living and non-living things.
(a) body
(b) environment
(c) none of these
(b) environment

Question 2.
_______ is the science that deals with the relationship between living things and their environment.
(a) Zoology
(b) Botonay
(c) Ecology
(c) Ecology

Question 3.
_______ in an ecosystem includes producers, consumers and decomposers.
(a) Biotic factors
(b) Abiotic factors
(c) Non-biotic factors
(a) iotíc factors

Question 4.
Flesh eating animals are called ________.
(a) herbivores
(b) carnivores
(c) omnivores
(b) carnivores

Question 5.
Van mahotsav means _________.
(a) festival of India
(b) festival of lights
(c) festival of forests
(c) festival of forests

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

II. Fill in the blanks.

Question 1.
A person who protects the environment is _________. (educationalist / environmentalist)

Question 2.
Amoeba is an _________ organism. (multicellular / unicellular)

Question 3.
Plants _________ move around like animals. (can / cannot)

Question 4.
Plants that do not produce their food and depend on other plants are called _____ plants. (saprophytic/parasitic)

Question 5.
_________ is an Example of decomposers. (Fungi / Cat)

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

III. Say true or false.

Question 1.
Plants grow and their shoots show movements towards the Sun.

Question 2.
Non-living things in our environment are called biotic factors.

Question 3.
The living things in our environment are called biotic factors.

Question 4.
Both plant and flesh-eating animals are called carnivores.

Question 5.
Plants provide food and shelter to living things.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

IV. Match the following.

1. Cuscuttaa. Plants and animals eating
2. Herbivoresb. Parasitic plants
3. Omnivoresc. Flesh eating
4. Carnivoresd. Plants eating


1. Cuscuttaa. Parasitic plants
2. Herbivoresb. Plants eating
3. Omnivoresc. Plants and animals eating
4. Carnivoresd. Flesh eating

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

V. Answer the following.

Question 1.
What is meant by the biotic factor?
Living organisms in our environment are called biotic factors. E.g., Lion, Plantain, Dove, Human beings etc.

Question 2.
What is meant by abiotic factor?
Non-living things in our environment are called abiotic factors. E.g., Air, Soil, Water, Sunlight, Temperature etc.

Question 3.
Write a short note on Amoeba.
Amoeba is a unicellular organism. It has the ability to alter its shape. It was discovered in 1975.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

Question 4.
What is a decomposer?
Organisms that feed on the wastes, dead plants, and animals are called decomposers. They return the nutrients to the soil. E.g., Bacteria, Fungi.

Question 5.
List out the important initiatives to protect our environment?
Some important initiatives to protect our environment.

  • The Chipko Movement – 1970
  • The Environment Protection Act – 1986
  • National GreenTribunal – 2010
  • Appiko Movement – 1983

Question 6.
Name some Man-made things.
Temple, house, car, pen, pencil, book, dolls, aeroplane etc, are Man-made things.

Question 7.
What is ecology?
Ecology is the science that deals with the relationship between living things and their environment.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide Term 3 Chapter 1 Our Environment

VI. Answer in detail.

Question 1.
Explain the biotic factors in an ecosystem.

  • The living things that can prepare their own food are called producers.
  • Green plants are the producers. They make their own food by the process of photosynthesis. Hence, they are called ‘primary producers’.


  • The living things that eat the food prepared by. the producers are called consumers.
  • Most of the living things depend directly or indirectly on producers for their food.
  • Consumers can be divided into three types based on their food as herbivores (plant-eating animal), ‘carnivores (flesh-eating animal), omnivores (both plant and flesh-eating animal).


  • Organisms that feed on the wastes, dead plants, and animals are called decomposers.
  • They return the nutrients to the soil.
    E.g., Bacteria, Fungi.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Science Guide