Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 12th Computer Science Notes Chapter 14 Importing C++ Programs in Python Notes

Scripting language Vs Other programming language:
A scripting language requires an interpreter while a programming language requires a compiler.

Compiler Vs Interpreter:

Compiler Interpreter
Scans the entire program and translates it as a whole into machine code. Translates program one statement at a time.
It takes large amount of time to analyze the source code It takes less amount of time to analyze the source code
The overall execution time is comparatively faster. The overall execution time is slower.
Programming language like C, C++ use compilers Programming language like Python, Ruby use interpreters.

Python Vs C++

Python is typically an “interpreted” language C++ is typically a “compiled” language
Python is a dynamic- typed language C++ is compiled statically typed language
Data type is not required while declaring variable Data type is required while declaring variable
It can act both as scripting and general purpose language It is a general purpose language

Applications of Scripting Language :

  • To automate certain tasks in a program
  • Extracting information from a data set
  • Less code intensive as compared to traditional programming language.
  • can bring new functions to applications and glue complex systems together

Modules refer to a file containing Python statements and definitions.

Modular programming:

  • Modular programming is a software design technique to split your code into separate parts.
  • These parts are called modules. The focus for this separation should have modules with no or just few dependencies upon other modules.

Importing C++ program in a Python program is called wrapping up of C++ in Python.

Importing C++ Files in Python:

  • Importing C++ program in a Python program is called wrapping up of C++ in Python.
  • Wrapping or creating Python interfaces for C++ programs are done in many ways.

The commonly used interfaces are

  • Python-C-API (API-Application Programming Interface for interfacing with C programs)
  • Ctypes (for interfacing with c programs)
  • SWIG (Simplified Wrapper Interface Generator- Both C and C++)
  • Cython (Cython is both a Python-like language for writing C-extensions)
  • Boost. Python (a framework for interfacing Python and C++)
  • MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows)

g++ is a program that calls GCC (GNU C Compiler) and automatically links the required C++ library files to the object code.

MinGW Interface:
MinGW refers to a set of runtime header files, used in compiling and linking the code of C, C++ and FORTRAN to be run on Windows Operating System.

Importing modules in Python:

Python’s sys Module:
sys module provides access to some variables used by the interpreter and to functions that interact strongly with the interpreter.

Python’s OS Module:

  • The OS module in Python provides a way of using operating system dependent functionality.
  • The functions that the OS module allows you to interface with the Windows operating system where Python is running on.

Python getopt module:

  • The getopt module of Python helps you to parse (split) command-line options and arguments.
  • This module provides two functions to enable command-line argument parsing.

_name_ :
name is one such special variable which by default stores the name of the file

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Computer Science Notes