Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Social Science Guide Book Back Answers Solutions

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Social Science Guide Book Back Answers Solutions

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Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Science Guide Book Back Answers Solutions

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Science Guide Book Back Answers Solutions

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Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Books Solutions Guide

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Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Civics Solutions Term 2 Chapter 2 The Constitution Of India

You can Download Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Book Solutions Guide Pdf, Tamilnadu State Board help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Civics Solutions Term 2 Chapter 2 The Constitution Of India

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science The Constitution Of India Textual Evaluation

I. Choose The correct answer:

Social Term 2 Question 1.
The Constitution Day is celebrated on
(a) January 26
(b) August 15
(c) November 26
(d) December 9
November 26

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Term 2 Question 2.
The Constituent Assembly accepted the Constitution of India in the year ……………..
(a) 1946
(b) 1950
(c) 1947
(d) 1949
(d) 1949

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Social Science Term 2 Question 3.
There are _________ amendments made in the Constitution of India till 2016
(a) 101
(b) 100
(c) 78
(d) 46

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Guide Term 2 Question 4.
Which of the following is not a fundamental right?
(a) Right to freedom
(b) Right to equality
(c) Right to vote
(d) Right to education
(c) Right to vote

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Term 2 Question 5.
An Indian citizen has the right to vote at
(a) 14 years
(b) 18 years
(c) 16 years
(d) 21 years
18 years

II. Fill In the blanks :

  1. ______ was selected as the chairman of the Constituent Assembly
  2. The father of the Constitution of India is ______
  3. ______ protects our fundamental rights
  4. The Constitution of India came into existence on ______


  1. Dr. Rajendra prasad
  2. Dr. B.R Ambedkar
  3. Constitution
  4. 26th january

III. Match the following:

  1. Independence day – (a) November 26
  2. Republic Day – (b) April 1
  3. Constitutional Day of India – (c) August 15
  4. Right to Education – (d) January 26

a) c a d b
b) c d a b
c) d b a c
b) c d a b

IV. Answer the questions given tinder the caption Constituent Assembly

6th Social Term 2 Question 1.
In which year was the Constituent Assembly formed?
Constituent Assembly was formed in the year 1946.

Term 2 Social Science Question 2.
How many members were in the Drafting Committee?
Drafting Committee was formed with eight members with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as its chairman.

Question 3.
How many women were part of the Constituent Assembly?
There were fifteen women particpents in the consituent Assembly.

Question 4.
When was the Constitution of India completed?
The Constitution of India was completed on 26th November 1949.

V. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Why was January 26 adopted as the Republic Day?

  1. When the Congress met at Lahore in 1929, the members of the Congress unofficially declared the same day as the Day of Pooma Swaraj or the Day of complete self governance.
  2. The next year, 26th January 1930 was celebrated as the Independence Day. That day has been observed as our Republic Day.”

Question 2.
What is the Constitution of India?

  1. The Constitution is an authentic document containing the basic ideas, principles and laws of a country.
  2. It also defines the rights and duties of citizens.

Question 3.
List out the special features of the Constitution of India.

  1. The preface of the constitution is the Preamble.
  2. According to it, India is a Sovereign, socialist, Secular democratic republic.
  3. The constitution has granted the people the right to rule. Sovereignty refers to the ultimate power of the country.
  4. The term secular refers to freedom of worship.
  5. The Constitution provides a Parliamentary form of Government, both at the centre

Question 4.
What are the fundamental rights?
“Fundamental rights are the basic human rights of all citizens”. They are

  1. Right to Equality
  2. Right to Freedom
  3. Right against exploitation
  4. Right of Freedom of religion
  5. Cultural and Educational rights
  6. Right to Constitutional Remedies

Question 5.
List out the fundamental duties that you would like to fulfill

  1. Respecting the National flag and National Anthem.
  2. Respect and protect the Constitution.
  3. Readiness to serve our country if need arises.
  4. Treating everyone as brothers and sister
  5. Avoid violence.
  6. Protect government property etc.

Question 6.
What is Preamble?
The preface of the Constitution is the Preamble.

Question 7.
What do you understand by Liberty, Equality and Fraternity?

  1. The preamble of Indian constitution clearly says that
  2. To achieve Justice-social, economic and political
  3. Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship.
  4. Equality of states and opportunity.
  5. Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation.

Question 8.
Define: Sovereign
An Independent country not subject to any external power or influence.

VI. Projects and Activities:

Question 1.
List your duties at

  1. school
  2. home and
  3. society


(a) Students’ duties at school

  1. participate in learning activities.
  2. Complete Home work.
  3. Attend school regularly on time.
  4. Be a part of safe and positive leavning environment.
  5. Manage the time wisely.
  6. Study for test and exams well ahead of time.

(b) Students’duties at home

  1. Put books and magazines in a rack.
  2. Be tidy and keep the surroundings clean.
  3. Help parents wherever and whenever possible.
  4. Fold blankets, saw buttons.
  5. Pouring and making tea and coffee.

(c) Students’duties at society

  1. Community Responsibility.
  2. It includes co-operation, respect and participation.
  3. Take active role in literacy campaigns.
  4. Student’s role is very crucial in society development such as to increase human resource, educate others, protect
  5. the environment, save mother nature, bring required changes in the society, respect elders, help the needy and reform the society.

Question 2.
Discuss on these topics:

  1. Equality
  2. Child labour
  3. Right to Education
  4. Equality:


  1. It is a state of affairs in which all people within a specific society have the same status in certain respects. .
  2. It includes Civil rights, Freedom of speech, property rights etc.Gender Equality:

Gender equality :

  1. means equality between men and women.
  2.  Both are free to develop their personal abilities.
  3. It means fairness of treatment for men and women according to their respective needs.

Child labour:

  1. Child Labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood.
  2. Child Labour interferes with their ability to attend regular school.
  3. This interference is mentally, physically,, socially or morally dangerous and harmful.
  4. Indian Government has passed the Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act. of 1986. ,
  5. It was amended in 2016 as CLPR Act.
  6. Accordingly a child is defined as any person below the age of 14 and CLPR Act prohibit employment of a child in any employment including domestic help.

(c) Right to Education:

  1. The Right of children to free and compulsory Education Act (RTE) is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted on 4th August 2009.
  2. It describes free and compulsory education for children between the age of 6 to 14 years in India under Article 21A of the constitution.
  3. India become one of the 135 countries to make education as a fundemental right of every child when the Act came into force on 1st April, 2010.

Question 3.
Kailash Satyarti (India) and Malala Yusufsai (Pakistan) have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace (2014). Find out the reason why:
a) Kailash Satyarti (India):

  1. Kailash Satyarti is an Indian Childrens’ right activist.
  2. He is a Noble peace Prize receipient.
  3. Founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (save childhood movement.
  4. Kailash Satyarti and his team at Bachpan Bachao Andolan have liberated more than 86,000 children in India from Child Labour, Slavery and Trafficking.
  5. In 1998, Satyarti led global march against child labour across 103 countries.
  6. His work has been recognized through various national and international honours and awards.
  7. He shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 with Malala Yusufsai of Pakistan.

b) Malala Yusufsai (Pakistan)

  1. Malala Yusufsai is a Pakistan Activist for female education.
  2. She is the youngest Nobel Prize laurate.
  3. She is known for human rights advocacy, especially the education of women and children in her native Swat valley.
  4. She became a prominent activist for the right to education.
  5. In 2012 she was the recipient of Pakistan’s first National Youth Peace Prize.
  6. In 2014 she was the co-recipient of the 2014 Noble Peace Prize along with Kailash Satyarti at the young age of 17 years.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science The Constitution Of India Intext Questions

Question 1.
Prepare a fist pf your immediate duties.

  1. To abide by the constitution and its ideals, to respect the National flag, the National Anthem etc.
  2. To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom.
  3. To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.
  4. To promote harmony and the spirit of common brother hood.
  5. To protect and improve the natural resources such as forests, lakes, rivers, wildlife etc.
  6. To safeguard the public property and to avoid violence.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science The Constitution Of India Additonal Questions

I. Choose The correct answer:

Question 1.
The Chairman of the constituent Assembly was
(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(d) Vallabai Patel
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Question 2.
The advisor of the Drafting Committee was
(a) S. Radhakrishnan
(b) B.N. Rao
(e) Moulana Azad
(d) Sarojini Naidu
(b) B.N. Rao

Question 3.
The preface of the constitution is called
(a) Preamble
(b) Fundamental right
(c) Directive Principles of state policy
(d) legal document
(a) Preamble

Question 4.
Iiva Parliamentary system, the Executive is-collectivity responsible to the
(a) Prime Minister
(b) Legislature
(c) Judiciary
(d) President
(b) Legislature

Question 5.
The Chief Architect of the Indian constitution is
(a) Rajendra Prasad
(b) Jawaharlel Nehru
(c) Vallabhai Patel
(d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

II. Fill in the blanks:

  1. In 1929, the Congress met at ______
  2. Poorna Swaraj means ______
  3. It took a period of ______ to complete the Indian Constitution.
  4. The basic human rights are known as ______
  5. The original copies of the Constitution are preserved in special ______ filled cases.


  1. Lahore Complete-self-Government
  2. 2 years, 11 months and 17 days
  3. Fundamental rights
  4. Helium

III. Match the following:

Question 1.

1.Seculara.Equal distribution
2.Socialistb.Freedom of Religion


  1. – b
  2. – a
  3. – d
  4. – c

IV. Answer the following Questions

Question 1.
Write about the constitution Assembly. ‘

  1. “In 1946, nearly 389 members of the constituent Assembly who belonged to different parties from different places came together to frame the Constitution of India.
  2. The Chairman of the committee was Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

Question 2.
Mention the names of some of the members of the Constitution Assembly.
Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabai Patel, MoulanaAzad, S. Radhakrishnan, Vijayalakshmi Pandit and Sarojini Naidu were the members in the Constituent Assembly.

Question 3.
Write about the Drafting Committee of the Constitution.

  1. The Drafting committee was formed with eight members.
  2. Its Chairman was B.R. Ambedkar.
  3. B.N.Rao was appointed as an advisor.
  4. The committee met for the first time on 9th December 1946.
  5. On the same day, the drafting the Constitution of India started.

Question 4.
Mention a few countries whose constitution were throughly examined to collect a few best features.

  1. The constitutions of nearly 60 countries including the UK, USA, former USSR, France, Switzerland etc., were thoroughly examined.
  2. Their best features have been adopted by our constitution.

Question 5.
Mention the legal experts of the Drafting Committee.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, N. Gopalasamy, K.M.Munshi, Syed Ahmed Sadullah, P.L. Mitter, N.Madhava Rao, T.T.K, T.P. Khaitan were the legal experts of the Drafting Committee.

Question 6.
What is Universal Adult Franchise?
Every Indian citizen has the right to vote when they attain 18 years of age, irrespective of any caste, religion, gender or economic status.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Hitory Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3 From Chiefdoms To Empires

You can Download Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Book Solutions Guide Pdf, Tamilnadu State Board help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science History Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3 From Chiefdoms To Empires

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science From Chiefdoms To Empires Textual Evaluation

I. Choose the correct answer:

From Chiefdoms To Empires Question 1.
The Kingdom which was most powerful among the four Mahajanapadas
(a) Anga
(b) Magadha
(c) Kosala
(d) Vajji
(b) Magadhaj

From Chiefdoms To Empires In Tamil Question 2.
Among the following who was the contemporary of Gautama Buddha?
(a) Ajatasatru
(b) Bindusara
(c) Padmanabha Nanda
(d) Brihadratha
(a) Ajatasatru

From Chiefdoms To Empires Book Back Answers Question 3.
Which of the following are the sources of Mauryan period?
(a) Artha Sastra
(b) Indica
(c) Mudrarakshasa
(d) All
(d) AII

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Social Science Term 2 Question 4.
Chandra Gupta Maurya abdicated the thrown and went to Sravanbelgola along with Jaina Saint …………….
(a) Badrabahu
(b) Stulabahu
(c) Parswanatha
(d) Rushabhanatha
(a) Badrabahu

Samacheerkalvi.Guru 6th Social Question 5.
was the ambassador of Seleucus Nicator.
(a) Ptolemy
(b) Kautilya
(c) Xerxes
(d) Megasthenese
(d) Megasthenese

Question 6.
Who was the last emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty?
(a) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Ashoka
(c) Brihadratha
(d) Bindusara
(c) Brihadratha

II. Match the statement with the Reason / Tick the appropriate answer:

Question 1.
Statement (A) : Ashoka is considered as one of India’s greatest rulers.
Reason (R) : He ruled according to the principle of Dhamma.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Question 2.
Which of the statements given below is/are correct?
Statement 1 : Chandragupta Maurya was the first ruler who unified entire India under one political unit.
Statement 2 : The Arthashastra provides information about the Mauryan administration
(a) only 1
(b) only 2
(c) both 1 and 2
(d) neither 1 nor 2
(b) only 2

Question 3.
Consider the following statements and find out which of the following statement is/are correct.

  1. Chandragupta Maurya was the first king of Magadha.
  2. Rajagriha was the capital of Magadha.

(a) only 1
(b) only 2
(c) both and 2
(d) neither 1 nor 2
(b) only 2

Question 4.
Arrange the following dynasties in chronological order.
(a) Nanda – Sishunaga – Haryanka – Maurya
(b) Nanda – Sishunaga -Maurya – Haryanka
(c) Haryanka – Sishunaga – Nanda – Maurya
(d) Sishunaga – Maurya – Nanda – Haryanka
(c) Haryanka – Sishunaga – Nanda – Maurya]

Question 5.
Which of the following factors contributed to the rise of Magadhan Empire?

  1. Strategic location
  2. Thick forest supplied timber and elephant
  3. Control over sea
  4. Availability of rich deposits of iron ores

(a) 1, 2 and 3 only
(b) 3 and 4 only
(c) 1,2 and 4 only
(d) All of these
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only

III. Fill in the blanks :

  1. ______ was the earliest capital of Magadha.
  2. Mudrarakshasa was written by______
  3. ______ was the son of Bindusara.
  4. The founder of the Maurya Empire was______
  5. ______ were appointed to spread Dhamma all over the empire.


  1. Raj agriha
  2. Visakadatta
  3. Ashoka
  4. Chandragupta Maurya
  5. Mahamattas

IV. State True or False:

  1. The title Devanam Piya was given to Chandragupta Maurya.
  2. Ashoka gave up war after his defeat in Kalinga.
  3. Ashoka’s Dhamma was based on the principle of Buddhism.
  4. The lions on the currency notes is taken from the Rampurwa bull capital.


  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. False

V. Match the following :

a. Gana 1. Arthasastra
b. Megasthenese 2. Religious tours
c. Chanakya 3. people
d. Dharmayatras 4. Indica
(a) 3 4 1 2
(b) 2 4 3 1
(c) 3 1 2 4
(d) 2 1 4 3
(a) 3 4 1 2

VI. Answer in one or two sentences

Question 1.
Mention any two literary

  1. Secular Literature
  2. Religious Literature: Vedic, Jain, Buddhist texts and Puranas

Question 2.
What is a stupa?

  1. A stupa is a semi-spherical dome-like structure. It is constructed on brick or stone.
  2. The buddha’s relics were placed in the centre.

Question 3.
Name the dynasties of Magadha.
Four dynasties ruled over Magadha Empire.

  1. The Haryanka dynasty
  2. The Shishunaga dynasty
  3. The Nanda dynasty
  4. The Maurya dynasty

Question 4.
What were the sources of revenue during Mauryan period?

  1. The land was the most important source of revenue for the state. The land tax (bhaga) was 1/6 of the total produce.
  2. Additional revenue was taxes on forests, mines, salt and irrigation.

Question 5.
Who assisted Nagarika in the administration of towns?
Sthanika and Gopa assisted Nagarika in the administration of towns.

Question 6.
What do you know from the Rock Edicts II and XIII of Ashoka?
The Rock Edicts II and XIII of Ashoka refer to the names of three dynasties.

  1. Pandyas
  2. Cholas
  3. The Keralaputras and the Sathyaputras.

Question 7.
Which classical Tamil poetic works have the reference of Maurvans?
Mamulahar’s poem in Agananuru gives the reference of the Mauryans.

VII. Answer the following :

Question 1.
What did Ashoka do to spread Buddhism?

  1. Ashoka sent his son Mahinda and daughter Sanghamitta to Srilanka to propagate Buddhism.
  2. He also sent missionaries to West Asia, Egypt, and Eastern Europe to spread the message of Dhamma.
  3. The Dhamma-mahamattas were a new cadre of officials created by Ashoka.
  4. Their job was to spread dhamma all over the empire.
  5. Ashoka held the third Buddhist counil at his capital pataliputra.

Question 2.
Write any three causes for the rise of Magadha.

  1. Magadha was located on the lower part of the Gangetic plain. The plain was fertile which ensured the rich agricultural yield. This provided income to the state.
  2. The thick forests supplied timber for construction of buildings and elephants for army.
  3. Abundance of natural resources especially iron enabled them to equip themselves with weapens made of iron.


Question 1.
Kalinga war became a turning paint in Ashoka’$ life. How?

  1. In the war of Kalinga, many people died.
  2. He understood that war only brings destruction of families.
  3. The Kalinga war had incredible influence over the personal life and policy of Ashoka.
  4. Hence Kalinga war proved to be a turning point in the life of Ashoka.
  5. He found his consolation in Buddhism.
  6. He was representing for his deeds. He embraced Buddhism and took the vow of \ inculcation ‘Dhamma’ to all men through out his life.
  7. He gave up the policy of Dig Vijay and adopted the policy of Dharma Vijay.

Question 2.
Write any five welfare measures you would do if you were a king like Ashoka.

  1. Free education to all.
  2. Free food for the disabled, the aged, the sick and the needy.
  3. Free medical treatment to all the citizens.
  4. Free shelter for the homeless.
  5. Justice for all. Equality of gender, religion, caste.

IX. Picture Study

Question 1.
This is the picture off an Ashokan edict.

From Chiefdoms To Empires Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Hitory Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3

a. What are edicts?
b. How are Ashokan edicts useful?
c. Where were these edicts inscribed?
d. Name the script used in Sanchi Inscription.
e. How many Rock Edicts are there?
(a) An Edict is an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority or a king.
(b) Edicts are very informative about Ashoka’s belief in peace, righteousness, Justice and his concern for the welfare of the people.
(c) The edicts were inscribed on the pillars as well as boulders and cave walls made by the Emperor Ashoka.
(d) Brahmi Script.
(e) 33 Rock Edicts.

X. Who am I

  1. I belonged to Haryanka dynasty. I extended territory by matrimonial alliances. My son is Ajatasatru – who am I?
  2. I played a significant role in the transformation of society. I am used in making ploughshare – Who am I?
  3. I was known as Devanampiya. I embraced the path of peace – Who am I?
  4. I established the first largest empire in India. I performed Sallekhana. Who am I?
  5. Iam found in the Lion capital of Ashoka. I am at the centre of our national flag. Who am I?


  1. Bimbisara
  2. Iron
  3. Ashoka
  4. Chandra Gupta Maurya
  5. Ashoka Chakra

XI. Decipher the code – The Mauryan Empire.
From Chiefdoms To Empires In Tamil Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Hitory Solutions Term 2

  1. The first dynasty that ruled over Magadha was ______ (8, 1, 18, 25, 1, 14, 11, 1).
  2. ______ empire was the first largest empire (13, 1, 21,18, 25, 1).
  3.  ______ laid the foundation of the new capital at Pataliputra. (21, 4, 1,25, 9,14).
  4.  ______ was one of the main exports (19, 16, 9, 3, 5, 19).
  5.  ______ became later the most renowned seat of learning. (14, 1, 12, 1, 14, 4, 1).
  6. Revenue from agricultural produce was called ______ (2, 8, 1, 7, 1).
  7. The horror of war was described in ______ (18, 15, 3, 11, 5, 4, 9, 3, 20)
  8. Greeks called Bindusara as ______ (1, 13, 9, 20, 18, 1,7, 1, 20, 8, 1)
  9. The crowning element in Saranath Pillar is ______ (4, 8,1, 18,13,1, 3, 8,1,11,18,1)
  10. Council of ministers were known as ______ (13, 1, 14, 4, 18, 9, 16, 1, 18, 9, 19, 8, 1,4)


  2. MAURY
  6. HAGA

XIII Map Work

  1. Mark the extent of Aihokan Empire.
  2. Mark the fallowing places a the river map of India

a. Taxila
b. Pataliputra
c. Ujjain
d. Sanchi
e. Indraprastha

From Chiefdoms To Empires Book Back Answers Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Hitory Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3

XIV Life Skill

Question 1.
Make a model of Ashoka Chakra.

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Social Science Term 2 Chapter 3 From Chiefdoms To Empires

Question 2.
Make a model of Sanchi Stupa.

Samacheerkalvi.Guru 6th Social Science Hitory Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3 From Chiefdoms To Empires

Question 3.
Draw and colour our National Flag

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Hitory Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3 From Chiefdoms To Empires image - 6

XV. Answer Grid:

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Hitory Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3 From Chiefdoms To Empires image - 7

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science From Chief Doms To Empires Additional Questions

I. Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
The earliest gathering places of men were
(a) Kingdoms
(b) Janapadas
(c) Mahajanapadas
(d) Republics
(b) Janapadas

Question 2.
The capital city Pataliputra had ……………. gates to the city.
(a) 24
(b) 32
(c) 49
(d) 64
(d) 64

Question 3.
Udavin belonged to dynasty.
(a) Nanda
(b) Shishunaga
(c) Haryanka
(d) Maurya
(c) Haryanka

Question 4.
Kalasoka belonged to ……………. dynasty.
(a) Haryanka
(b) Shishunaga
(c) Nanda
(d) Maurya
(b) Shishunaga

Question 5.
The name Vishnu Gupta refers to
(a) Ajata satru
(b) Ashoka
(c) Dhana nanda
(d) Chanakya
(d) Chanakya

Question 6.
Simhasena refers to
(a) Chandragupta
(b) Bambisara
(c) Udayin
(d) Bindusara
(a) Chandragupta

Question 7.
Ashoka sent his son and daughter to
(a) China
(b) Burma
(c) Srilanka
(d) Indonesia
(c) Srilanka

Question 8.
Under the Mauryas, the king was
(a) Sovereign authority
(b) head of the Judiciary
(c) Commander of the Army
(d) All the three
(d) All the three

Question 9.
The terms Sthanika and Gopa are related to Mauryan
(a) Council
(b) Assembly
(c) Army
(d) Town Administration
(a) Council

Question 10.
Mashakas were made out of
(a) copper
(b) gold
(c) silver
(d) paper
(a) copper

Question 11.
Dasharatha Maurya was the grand son of
(a) Bindusara
(b) Bimbisara
(c) Dhana Nanda
(d) Ashoka
(d) Ashoka

II. Match the statement with the Reason. Tick the appropriate answer:

Question 1.
Statement (A) : Magadha’s gradual rise to political supremacy began with Bimbisara of Haryanka dynasty.
Reason (R) : Bimbisara extended the territory of Magadhan Empire by matrimonial alliances
(a) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(b) A is true but R is false.
(c) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) A is false but R is true.
(c) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Question 2.
Which of the statement given below is / are correct?
Statement I : Megasthenese was an Ambassador from Greece in the court of Chandragupta Maurya.
Statement II : Megasthenese – work ‘Indica’ is one of the main sources of the Mauryan Empire.
(a) Only II
(b) Only I
(c) Neither I nor II
(d) Both I and II
(d) Both I and II

Question 3.
Consider the following statements and find out which of the following statements is/ are correct.

  1. Trade flourished under the Maurvans.
  2. Spices and Ivory works formed the main exports under the Mauryans

(a) only 1
(b) only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) Both 1 and 2

Question 4.
Arrange the following rulers in Chronological order
(a) Bimbisara, Kalasoka, Mahapadma Nanda, Chandra Gupta
(b) Chandra Gupta, Mahapadma Nanda, Bimbisara, Kalasoka
(c) Kalasoka, Bimbisara, Chandra Gupta, Mahapadma Nanda
(d) Mahapadma Nanda, Chandra Gupta, Kalasoka, Bimbisara
(a) Bimbisara, Kalasoka, Mahapadma Nanda, Chandra Gupta

Question 5.
Which of the following factors contributed to the decline of the Mauryan Empire?

  1. Weak successors
  2. Continuous revolts
  3. Invasion by Bactrian Greeks
  4. Regular and substantial income to the state.

(a) 3 and 4 only
(b) All of these
(c) 1,2 and 3 only
(d) 1,2 and 4 only.
(c) 1,2 and 3 only

III. Fill in the blanks:

  1. The term ‘gana’ means ______.
  2. Sixteen dooted the indo – Gangetic plain in the sixth century BC
  3. The thick forests supplied _______ for the construction of buildings
  4. Kalasoka belonged to ______dynasty
  5. Mahapadma Nanda was succeeded by his eight sons known as_______
  6. The tearm nalanda means_______
  7. Megasthanese stayed in India for _________ Years.
  8. The teacher and advisor to Emperor Chandra Gupta Maurya was ______
  9. Chandragupta performed ________ in Sravanbelgola.
  10. Chandragupta Maurya’s son was ______
  11. Bindusara was succeeded by his son ______
  12. Ashoka was known as ‘Devanam Piya’ which means ______
  13. Ashoka’s Dhamma contained the essence of ________
  14. The third Buddhist council was held at ______
  15. The first Buddhist council was held at ______
  16. The second Buddhist council was held at ______
  17. The foundation for the new capital at Pataliputra was laid by _____
  18. The highest court of appeal under the Mauryans was _______
  19. Status of Yakshas and Yakshis belonged to the _______
  20. Three caves in Barabar hills have dedicative inscriprion of __________


  1. people of equal status
  2. Mahajanapadas
  3. timber
  4. Sishunaga
  5. Navanandas
  6. No stopping of the gift of knowledge
  7. 14
  8. Chanakya / Vishnugupta/ Kautilyal
  9. Sallekhanai
  10. Bindusaral
  11. Ashokal
  12. beloved of the Gods
  13. All religions
  14. Pataliputraj
  15. Raj agriha
  16. Vaishali
  17. Udayin
  18. The king
  19. Indigenous
  20. Ashoka

IV. State True or False:

  1. Mahavira and Buddha represented the new awakening in the sixth century BC (BCE)
  2. Among the four Mahajana padas Vatsa emerged as an empire.
  3. Haryanka dynasty was succeeded by Sishunaga dynasty.
  4. Seleucus wrote the book Indica.
  5. Chanakya is called the Architect of the Mauryan Empire.
  6. After the battle of Kalinga, Ashoka became a Buddhist.
  7. Ashoka emphasised on obedience and respect for parents, preceptors and elders.
  8. Council of Ministers referred to Mantriparishad.
  9. Mauryans were not aware of spy system.
  10. Under the Mauryan administration punishments were very mild.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. False
  4. False
  5. True
  6. True
  7. True
  8. True
  9. False
  10. False

V. Match the following:

  1. Panchala (a) Foreign Notice
  2. Mahavamsa (b) Daughter
  3. Ashoka (c) Proclamation
  4. Sangamithra (d) Mahajanapada
  5. Edict (e) Governor of Ujjain


  1. (d)
  2. (a)
  3. (e)
  4. (c)

VI. Answer in one or two sentences :

Question 1.
Explain the term kingdom.

  1. Kingdom means a territory ruled by a king or queen.
  2. In a kingdom (monarchy), a family, which rules for a long period becomes a dynasty.
  3. Usually these kingdoms adhered to orthodox Vedic traditions.

Question 2.
Who was Bhadrabahu?

  1. Bhadrabahu was a Jain monk.
  2. He took Chandragupta Maurya to South India.

Question 3.
Name the sixteen Mahajanapadas.
Name of the Sixteen Mahajanapadas are
Anga, Magadha, Vajji, Malla, Kasi, Kura, Kosala, Avanti, Chedi, Vatsa, Panchala, Machcha, Surasena, Assaka, Gandhara and Kamboja.

Question 4.
Write a note on Megasthenese.

  1. Megasthenese was the ambassador of the Greek ruler, Seleucus.
  2. He lived in the court of ChandraGupta Maurya.
  3. He stayed in India for 14 years.
  4. He wrote the book Indica, one of the main sources for the study of Mauryan Empire.

Question 5.
Write about Pataliputra.

  1. Pataliputra was the capital of the Mauryan Empire.
  2. It has 64 gates to the city with 570 watch towers.

Question 6.
Why is Chanakya known as the architect of the Mauryan empire?

  1. Chanakya was the teacher and advisor to Emperor Chandragupta Mauryan.
  2. His treatise on statecraft ‘Arthashastra’ was a very great guide for rulers.
  3. Hence he is referred to as the architect of the Mauryan empire.

Question 7.
Explain Ashoka’s Dhamma.

  1. The meaning of Dhamma is explained in Ashoka’s – Pillar Edict II.
  2. It contained the noblest ideas of humanism, forming the essence of all religions.
  3. He laid stress On Compassion, Charity, Purity, Saintliness, Self-control, Truthfulness, Obedience and respect for parents, preceptors and elders.

Question 8.
Mention the different wings of the Mauryan army.

  1. Under the Mauryan army, a board of 30 members divided into six committees with five members on each, monitored
  2. Navy, Armoury (transport and supply), Infantry, Cavalry, The war chariots and The war elephants.

Question 9.
Mention the regions which produced specialised textiles under the Mauryas.
The regions which produced specialised textiles under the Mauryas were Kasi (Benares), Vanga (Bengal), Kamarupa (Assam) and Madurai in Tamilnadu.

Question 10.
What were the exports and imports of the Mauryans?

  1. Main exports were Spices, Pearls, Diamonds, Cotton textiles, Ivory Works, Conch Shells.
  2. Main Imports were Horses, Gold, Glassware, Linen.

Question 11.
Mention the two divisions of the Mauryan art.
Mauryan art can be divided into two.

  1. Indigenous Art – Statues of Yakshas and Yakshis.
  2. Royal Art – Palaces and Public buildings, Monolithic Pillars, Rock cut Architecture, ‘ Stupas.

Question 12.
Who were Yakshas and Yakshis?

  1. Yakshas were deities connected with water, fertility, trees, the forest and wilderness,
  2. Yakshis were their female counterpart.

VII. Answer the following:

Question 1.
Mention the role of iron in changing a society.

  1. Iron played a significant role in this transformation of society.
  2. The fertile soil of the Gangetic Valley and the use of iron ploughshares improved , agricultural productivity.
  3. Iron facilitated craft production.
  4. Agrarian surplus and increase in craft products resulted in the emergence of trading and exchange centres.
  5. There were rise of towns and cities.

Question 2.
Write about the revenue system of the Mauryans.

  1. The land was the most important source of revenue for the state.
  2. Bali and Bagha as taxes collected from people.
  3. The land tax (bhaga) collected was 1/6 of the total produce.
  4. Revenue from taxes on forests, mines, salt and irrigation provided additional revenue to the government.
  5. Much of the State revenue was spent on paying the army, the officials of the royal government, on charities and on different public works.

Question 3.
Mention the reasons for the decline of the Mauryan empire.

  1. Ashoka’s successors were very weak.
  2. Continuous revolts in different parts of the empire.
  3. Invasion by the Bactrian Greeks weakened the empire.
  4. Pacifist policy of Ashoka weakened the military strength.
  5. Last Maurya ruler Brihadratha was killed by his commander Pushyamitra Sungha.


Question 1.
State the salient feature of the Lion Capital of Ashoka.

  1. The lion capital of Ashoka is a sculpture of four Asiatic lions standing back to back on an elaborate base.
  2. This base includes other animals.
  3. A graphic representation of it was adopted as the official emblem of India in 1950.
  4. It was originally placed atop the Ashoka pillar at the important Buddhist site of Samath by the Emperor Ashoka, in about 250 BCE.
  5. The pillar, sometimes called the Ashoka Column, is still in its original location.
  6. But the Lion Capital is now in the Samath Museum, in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
  7. It is 7 feet high including the base.
  8. The Ashoka Chakra is a depiction on the Buddhist Dharma Chakra with 24 spokes.

Question 2.
One of the seven wonders of Ancient world – Great wall of China – Prove.

  1. The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials.
  2. It is built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China.
  3. It was built to protect the Chinese states and empires against the raids and invasions of the various nomadic groups of the Eurasian Steppe.
  4. It was built by Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. Little of that wall remains.
  5. The Great Wall has been rebuilt, maintained, and enhanced over various dynasties.

Question 3.
The temple of Zeus at Olympia is an important piece of art in Greek history. – Do you agree?

  1. The temple of Zeus at Olympia was an ancient Greek temple in Olympia, Greece.
  2. It was dedicated to the God Zeus.
  3. The temple was built in the second quarter of the 5th Century BCE.
  4. Zeus is the Sky and Thunder God in ancient Greek religion, who rules as king of the Gods of Mount Olympus.

Question 4.
What do you about the Lomas Rishi cave, Barabar.

  1. The Lomas Rishi Cave, also called the Grotto of Lomas Rishi, is one of the man¬’ made Barabar Caves in the Barabar and Nagarjuni hills of Jehanabad district in Bihar.
  2. This rock-cut cave was carved out as a sanctuary.
  3. It was built during the Ashokan period of the Maurya Empire in the 3rd century BC.

Question 5.
Nalanda served as a great source of knowledge. Prove.

  1. Nalanda was a large Buddhist monastery, in the ancient kingdom of Magadha (modern-day Bihar) in India.
  2. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  3. Nalanda flourished under the patronage of the Gupta Empire in the 5th and 6th centuries.
  4. The word Nalanda is a Sanskrit combination of three words Na + alam + daa meaning “no stopping of the gift of knowledge”.
  5. The school attracted scholars and students from near and far with some travelling from Tibet, China, Korea and Central Asia

Question 6.
State the importance of Girnar Inscription of Rudradaman.

  1. The Junagarh / Gimar Inscription gives the information about the Sudarshana Lake
  2. This lake was an artificial reservoir.
  3. The Construction was begun during the time of Chandra Gupta Maurya and completed during Ashoka’s reign.
  4. It was built by the Mauryan kings to check floods.
  5. Around 150AD, lake was repaired by the Shaka ruler Rudradaman I.
  6. Again it was repaired under the Skandagupta’s reign by his Governor Pamadatta.

IX. Who am I

  1. I Practise egalitarian traditions.
  2. I supply elephants for army.
  3. I was overthrown by Chandra Gupta Maurya.
  4. I wrote a treatise on state craft.
  5. I was called by the Greeks as ‘slayer of enemies’.
  6. I carry an official order or proclamation issued by a king.
  7. I am the crowning element of Saranath Pillar.
  8. I am known as Patna now. Originally who was I?


  1. Gana-Sangha
  2. Thick forests
  3. Dhana Nanda
  4. Chanakya
  5. Bindusara
  6. Edict
  7. Dharmachakra
  8. Pataliputra

X. Decipher the code – The Mauryan. Empire.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Hitory Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3 From Chiefdoms To Empires image - 2

  1. It means a territory ruled by a king or queen ______ (11, 9, 14, 7, 4, 15, 13).
  2. He shifted the Capital from Rajagirha to Pataliputra. (11, 1, 12,1, 19, 15, 11, 1).
  3. One of the religions sources of the Mauryan Empire ______ (16,21,18,1,14,1, 19).
  4. It is a part of our National Flag. (1, 19, 18,15, 11, 1,3,8, 1, 11, 19, 1).
  5. Construction of this lake was begun during the time of Chandra Gupta Mauryan and completed during Ashoka’s reign ______ (19, 21, 4, 1, 18, 19, 8, 1, 14, 1).
  6. One of the main exports of the Mauryan Period. (4, 9, 1, 13, 15, 14, 4, 19).
  7. Statues of Yakshas and Yakshi come under the ______ art of the Mauryans,(9, 14, 4, 9, 7, 5, 14, 15, 14,21, 19)
  8. Ancient name of Odisha. (11, 1, 12, 9, 14, 7, 1).



Samacheer Kalvi 6th Science Solutions Term 2 Chapter 6 Human Organ Systems

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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th Science Solutions Term 2 Chapter 6 Human Organ Systems

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Science Human Organ Systems Textual Evaluation

I. Choose the appropriate answer:

Human Organ System Class 6 Question 1.
Circulatory system transports these throughout the body
(a) Oxygen
(b) Nutrient
(c) Hormones
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Science Term 2 Question 2.
Main organ of respiration in human body is
(a) Stomach
(b) Spleen
(c) Heart
(d) Lungs
(d) Lungs

6th Standard Question 3.
Breakdown of food into smaller molecules in our body is known as
(a) Muscle contraction
(b) Respiration
(c) Digestion
(d) Excretion
(c) Digestion

II. Fill in the blanks:

  1. A group of organs together make up an _______ system.
  2. The part of the skeleton that protects the brain is _______
  3. The process by which the body removes waste is _______
  4. The _______ is the largest sense organ in our body.
  5. The endocrine glands produce chemical substances called _______


  1. organ
  2. skull
  3. Excretion
  4. skin
  5. hormones

III. True or False. If False, give the correct statement:

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Science Book Question 1.
Blood is produced in the bone marrow.
False, Red Blood Corpuscles are produced in the bone marrow.

6th Standard Science Question 2.
All the waste products of the body are excreted through the circulatory system.
False, All the waste products of the body are excreted through the excretory system.

Chapter 6 The Human Body Answers Question 3.
The other name of food pipe is alimentary canal.
False. The other name of food pipe is called oesophagus.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Science Term 2 Question 4.
Thin tube like structures which are the component of circulatory system are called blood vessels.
False, The tube like structure which are the component of circulatory system are called blood capillaries.

Samacheer Class 6 Science Solutions Question 5.
The brain, the spinal cord and nerves form the nervous system.

IV. Match the following:

1. EarCardiac muscle
2. Skeletal SystemFlat muscle
3. DiaphragmSound
4. HeartAir sacs
5. LungsProtection of internal organs


1. EarSound
2. Skeletal SystemProtection of internal organs
3. DiaphragmFlat muscle

4. Heart

Cardiac muscle
5. LungsAir sacs

V. Arrange in Correct sequence:

Question 1.
Stomach → Large intestine → Oesophagus → Pharynx → Mouth → Small Intestine → Rectum → Anus.
Mouth → Pharynx → Oesophagus → Stomach → Small Intestine → Large intestine → Rectum → Anus.

Question 2.
Urethra → Ureter → Urinary Bladder → Kidney.
Kidney → Ureter → Urinary Bladder → Urethra.

VI. Analogy:

Question 1.
Arteries : Carry blood from the heart:: _______ :carry blood to the heart.

Question 2.
Lungs: Respiratory system:: _______ : Circulatory system.

Question 3.
Enzymes: Digestive glands:: _______ : Endocrine glands.

VII. Give very short answer:

Question 1.
Write about skeletal system.

  1. The skeletal system consists of bones, cartilages and joints.
  2. Bones provide a framework for the body.
  3. Bones along with muscles help in movements such as walking, running, chewing and dancing etc.

Question 2.
Write the functions of epiglottis.
The function of Epiglottis is to prevent the entry of food into the wind pipe.

Question 3.
What are the three types of blood vessels?

  1. Arteries
  2. Veins
  3. Capillaries

Question 4.
Define the term “Trachea”.
Trachea is commonly called as windpipe. It is a tube supported by cartilaginous rings that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs, allowing the passage of air. The trachea divides into right and left bronchi and enter into the lungs.

Question 5.
Write any two functions of digestive system?

  1. Digestive system is involved in the conversion of complex food substances into simple forms.
  2. Absorption of digested food.

Question 6.
Name the important parts of the eye.
The important parts of eye are cornea, iris, lens and pupil.

Question 7.
Name the five important sense organs?

  1. Eyes
  2. Ears
  3. Nose
  4. Tongue
  5. Skin

VIII. Give short answer:

Question 1.
Write a short note on rib cage.
Rib cage
The rib cage is made up of 12 pairs of curved, flat rib bones. It protects the delicate vital organs such as heart and lungs.

Question 2.
List out the functions of the human skeleton.

  1. The skeletal system gives shape to the body.
  2. Bones provide a framework for the body.
  3. Bones along with muscles help in movements such as walking, running, chewing and dancing etc.
  4. It protects, the soft internal organs.

Question 3.
Differentiate between the voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles.
Voluntary muscles:

  1. They are attached to the bones.
  2. They can be controlled by our will. Example: Muscles of arm.

Involuntary muscles:

  1. They are found in the walls of digestive tract, urinary bladder, arteries and other internal organs.
  2. They cannot be controlled by our will.

IX. Answer in detail:

Question 1.
List out the functions of Endocrine system and Nervous system.

  1. Endocrine system regulates various functions of the body and maintain the internal environment.
  2. Endocrine glands produce chemical substances called “Hormones’ which control various activities of the body.
    Eg. Growth hormone controls growth, Adrenalin hormone acts at the time of fear stress etc.

Functions of nervous system:

  1. Sensory input: The conduction of signals from sensory receptors.
  2. Integration : The interpretation of the sensory signals and the formulation of responses.
  3. Motor output: The conduction of signals from the brain and spinal card to effectors such as muscle and gland cells.

Question 2.
Label the diagram given below to show the four main parts of the urinary system and answer the following questions.
Human Organ System Class 6 Samacheer Kalvi Science Solutions Term 2 Chapter 6
A. Which organ removes extra salts and ws
B. Where is the urine stored?
C. What is the tube through which urine is body?
D. What are the tubes that transfer urine fi the urinary bladder called?
Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Science Term 2 Chapter 6 Human Organ Systems
A. Kidney removes extra salts and water from the blood.
B. Urine is stored in urinary bladder.
C. Urine is excreted out of the body through urethra.
D. Ureter transfers urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

X. Questions based on Higher Order Thinking Skills.

Question 1.
What will happen if the diaphragm shows no movement?

  1. The diaphragm is the primary organ of breathing.
  2. The movement of the diaphragm expands the lungs and creates a vacuum.
  3. Due to this the air is sucked in.
  4. If the diaphragm does not move the lungs do not expand or contract and breathing stops.
  5. The person will die.

Question 2.
Why is the heart divided into two halves by a thick muscular wall?
The oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are separately circulated. So the heart is divided into two halves by a thick muscular wall.

Question 3.
Why do we sweat more in summer?

  1. Sweating plays an important health role as it helps to maintain constant body temperature by cooling us down.
  2. When it is hot and we sweat that moisture evaporates and cools us immediately.
  3. This is why we sweat more when the summer is very hot.

Question 4.
Why do we hiccup and cough sometimes when we swallow food?
Normally, the entry of food into the windpipe is prevented by a flap like structure called Epiglottis. But when we eat in a hurry, the flab gets lesser time to close the windpipe. Thus some of the food particles enter into the windpipe. It creates a hindrance in the movement of air in the windpipe and results in coughing or hiccup.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Science Human Organ Systems Intext Activities

Activity 1

Question 1.
Sit absolutely still. Observe the movements taking place in your body. You must K be blinking your eyes time to time. Observe the movements in your body as you I breathe. Write down the movements in your note book.

We are able to move a few parts of our body easily in various directions and some, ft only in one direction. Why we are not able to move some parts at all directions?
We are able to bend or rotate our body in places where two parts of our body seem to be joined together – like elbow, shoulder or neck. These places are called joints. If ft our body has no joints, it would not be possible for us to move in any way at all.

Bones cannot be bent. But we can bend our elbow. It is not one long bone from ft the upper arm to our wrist. It is different bones joined together at the elbow. Similarly, there are many bones present in each part of the body.

We can bend or move our body only at those points where bones meet. There are different types of joints in our body to help us carry out different movements and activities. Let us see the function / movements of some of the joints in our body.

Fixed joints which do not allow movement are called fixed joint.

Gliding joints allow only a limited amount of movement of sliding nature of cartilage. For example, the joints of back bone.

Hinge joint allows movement only in one plane. For example, fingers, knees. Elbow joint is composed of hinge joint. These joints allow movement in one plane and up to 180° only. Hence, we cannot move our elbows backwards.

Piyotal joint allows movement in all planes, i.e. up and down, side and other planes. For example, head.

Ball and socket joint allows movement in all directions. The rounded end of one bone fits into the cavity (hollow space) of other bone. Such a joint only allows movements in all directions. For example, joint between upper arm.

Activity 2

To show that we can bend or move our body only at those points where the bones meet.
6th Standard Samacheer Kalvi Science Solutions Term 2 Chapter 6 Human Organ Systems
Materials required; A wooden scale and string.
Method Ask your friend to tie a wooden scale and your arm together. So that the elbow is at the centre. Even if you try hard, you cannot bend your elbow.
Conclusion: A single bone cannot bend. The different bones joined together at the elbow, help the elbow to bend.

Activity 3

Question 1.
Move your lower arm up and down gently. Feel the contraction and relaxation of your biceps and triceps muscles. The muscles present in the upper arm help in the contraction of front biceps muscles (become short and thick), and also relaxation of rear triceps muscles (become long and thin). You can feel the muscles on top that go stiff. When the arm is moved downwards, the front muscles relax and the rear muscles contract.
Activities to be done by the students themselves

Activity 5

Air? To prove that exhaled air is rich in carbon- dioxide
Materials required Two glass jars with lime water and a straw

Procedure: Leave the first jar with lime water undisturbed, blow air in to the second jar with the help of a straw

Observation: Lime water turns milky in few seconds in the second jar. The CO? gas alone can change the lime water into milky white.

Conclusion: Carbon-di-oxidc is present in the air that we exhale.

Activity 6

Question 1.
Place the middle and index fingers of your right hand on the inner side of your left wrist. Can you feel a throbbing movement. Why do you feel the throbbing? This throbbing is called the pulse and it is due to the blood flowing in the arteries. Count the number of pulse in one minute.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Science Book Solutions Term 2 Chapter 6 Human Organ Systems

How many pulse beats could you count in one minute? The number of beats per minute is called the Pulse rate. A resting person usually has a pulse rate between 72 to 80 beats per minute.

Find other places in your body where you can feel the pulse. Record your own pulse beats and your classmates as beats per minute; Compare the values.
Activities to be done by the students themselves

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Science Human Organ Systems Additional Questions

I. Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
A group of organs that work together to perform a particular function is known as _______
(a) Skeletal system
(b) Muscular system
(c) Nervous system
(d) Organ system
(d) Organ system

Question 2.
………. is the largest and strongest bone in the human face.
(a) Hyoid bone
(b) Stapes
(c) Cranial bones
(d) Lower jaw bone
(d) Lower jaw bone

Question 3.
_______ bone is the largest and strongest bone in the human face.
(a) Nasal
(b) Temporal
(c) Lower jaw
(d) Parietal
(c) Lower jaw

Question 4.
The heart is surrounded by a double-layered membrane called
(a) Pleura
(b) Alveolar membrane
(c) Pericardium
(d) Iris
(c) Pericardium

Question 5.
_______ is a major organ for digestion of food materials.
(a) Heart
(b) Oesophagus
(c) Stomach
(d) Kidney
(c) Stomach

Question 6.
The _______ is a complex organ which is placed inside the cranium.
(a) Kidney
(b) Heart
(c) Lungs
(d) Brain
(d) Brain

Question 7.
Skin helps us to synthesize using sun light.
(a) vitamin A
(b) vitamin B
(c) vitamin C
(d) vitamin D
(d) vitamin D

Question 8.
_______ gland is located in the neck region.
(a) Pituitary
(b) Thyroid
(c) Adrenal
(d) Thymus
(b) Thyroid

Question 9.
Pituitary gland is located at _______ in our body.
(a) Neck region
(b) base of brain
(c) Abdomen region
(d) above the kidney
(b) base of brain

Question 10.
The functional units of the kidney are called _______
(a) Nephrons
(b) Neuron
(c) bladder
(d) urethra
(a) Nephrons

II. Fill in the blanks.

  1. The adult human skeletal system consists of _______ bones
  2. _______ help in connecting bone to bone.
  3. Vertebral column is formed by a number of serially arranged small bones called _______
  4. The rib cage is made up of _______ of curved flat rib bones.
  5. The digestive gland associated with alimentary canal is _______
  6. _______ are located within the chest cavity.
  7. The lungs are covered by a double layered _______
  8. The heart is _______ chambered.
  9. The heart is surrounded by a double layered membrane called _______
  10. _______ are produced in the bone marrow.
  11. Nervous system is we,11 developed in human and is composed of _______ or _______
  12. _______ is the controlling centre of the body.
  13. The outer ear in human beings is made up of an external flap called _______
  14. _______ gland is located above the kidney.
  15. Our body contains _______ % of water.
  16. Our stomach consists of _______ acid.


  1. 206
  2. Ligaments
  3. vertebrae
  4. 12 pairs
  5. salivary gland
  6. Lungs
  7. pleura
  8. four
  9. pericardium
  10. Red Blood Carpuscles
  11. neurons or nerve cells
  12. Brain
  13. pinna
  14. Adrenal
  15. 70
  16. Hydro choloric

III. Find whether the following sentences are true or false. If false Correct the statement.

Question 1.
The nervous system consists of bones, cartilages and joints.
False. The Skeletal system consists of bones, cartilages and joints.

Question 2.
Lower jaw bone is the smallest and strongest bone in the human face.
False. Lower jaw bone is the largest and strongest bone in the human face.

Question 3.
The smallest bone in our body is stapes.

Question 4.
Intake of oxygen from the air and releasing of carbon-di-oxide from the lungs occur through nostrils is called internal respiration.
False. Intake of oxygen from the air and releasing of carbon-di-oxide from the lungs occur through nostrils is called external respiration.

Question 5.
The walls of the heart is made up of cardiac muscle.

Questions 6.
Blood is a fluid connective tissue.

Question 7.
Kidney is located in the thoracic cavity between the two lungs.
False. Heart is located in the thoracic cavity between the two lungs.

Question 8.
A resting person usually has a pulse rate between 72 to 80 beats per minute.

Question 9.
Pulmonary artery carries blood from the lungs to the left atrium.
False. Pulmonary Vein carries blood from the lungs to the left atrium.

Question 10.
Heart forms an effective barrier against infection by microbes and pathogens.
False. Skin forms an effective barrier against infection by microbes and pathogens.

Question 11.
The nitrogenous wastes are removed from the body by the endocrine system.
False. The nitrogenous wastes are removed from the body by the excretory system.

IV. Analogy:

Question 1.
Skull protects : Brain.
Rib cage protects : _______
heart and liver.

Questions 2.
The smallest bone of our body : Stapes.
The longest bone of our body : _______

Question 3.
A newborn baby has bones : More than 300.
An adult has bones : _______

Questions 4.
Skeletal muscle : Muscle of arm.
Cardiac muscle: _______
Walls of heart.

Question 5.
Heart: Pericardium membrane.
Lungs : _______
Pleura membrane.

Question 6.
Carries blood from right ventricle to lungs : Pulmonary artery.
Carries blood from the lungs to left atrium : _______
Pulmonary vein.

Question 7.
Carry oxygenated blood : Arteries.
Carry deoxygenated blood : _______

Question 8.
Neurons : Nervous system.
Nephrons: _______
Excretory system.

V. Match the following :

6th Standard Science Samacheer Kalvi Solutions Term 2 Chapter 6 Human Organ Systems

  1. – f
  2. – d
  3. – e
  4. – a
  5. – c
  6. – b

Chapter 6 The Human Body Answers Samacheer Kalvi 6th Science Solutions Term 2

  1. – c
  2. – e
  3. – a
  4. – b
  5. – d

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Science Term 2 Solutions Chapter 6 Human Organ Systems

  1. – c
  2. – d
  3. – e
  4. – b
  5. – a

VI. Give short answer

Question 1.
List the major organ system of our body.
Human body has eight major organ system. They are:

  • Skeletal system
  • Digestive system
  • Circulatory system
  • Endocrine system
  • Muscular system
  • Respiratory system
  • Nervous system
  • Excretory system.

Question 2.
Axial skeleton – Explain.
Axial skeleton forms the upright axis of the body which includes, skull, vertebral column and Rib cage.

Questions 3.
What are the bones found in the skull?
Hyoid bone and the auditory ossicles like Malleus, Incus and Stapes are found in the skull.

Questions 4.
What are the three types of muscles?
They are skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and cardiac muscles.

Question 5.
How do muscle work?
Muscles pf the body can only pull and they cannot push. Two muscles are required to move a bone at a joint. When one muscle contracts the other muscle relaxes. Thus muscles do work.

Questions 6.
List the parts of digestive system.
Parts of digestive systems are Mouth, Buccal cavity, Phanynx, Oesophagus, Stomach, Small intestine, Large intestine, Anus.

Question 7.
List the glands associated for digestion.
Salivary glands, Gastric glands, Liver, Pancreas and Intestinal glands are associated glands for digestion.

Questions 8.
List the parts of respiratory system.
Respiratory system consists of nostrils, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.

Question 9.
What is internal respiration?
Taking in oxygen and giving out CO2 The circulatory system transports O2 and CO2, to and from all parts of body. Hemoglobin in the red blood cells transport O2 and CO2 This is called internal respiration.

Question 10.
Define – blood.
Blood is a fluid connective tissue of red colour containing plasma and blood cells. There are three types of blood cells namely, Red blood corpuscles (RBCs), White Blood corpuscles (WBCs) and Blood Platelets. RBCs are produced in the bone marrow.

Question 11.
What is pulse rate?
The number of beats per minute is called pulse rate.

Question 12.
Name the three regions of brain.
The three regions of brain are fore brain, mid brain and hind brain.

Question 13.
List the endocrine glands found in our body.
Pituitary gland, Pineal gland, Thyroid gland, Thymus gland, Pancreas, Adrenal gland, Gonads are found in our endocrine system.

VIII. Answer in detail:

Question 1.
(a) How do muscles work.
(b) How circulatory system is important for human life?
(a) Muscles work.

  1. Muscles of the body can only pull and they can not push.
  2. Two muscles are required to move a bone at a joint.
  3. When one muscle contracts, the other muscle relaxes.
  4. For example to move the lower arm up and down biceps and triceps muscles are required.
  5. When we raise our lower hand the biceps in front become short by contraction and the triceps at the back stretch to pull up the arm.
  6. When we lower our arm the triceps at the back contract and biceps stretch to pull the arm down.

(b) Circulatory system – importance :

  1. It is one of the important system consisting of heart, blood vessels and blood.
  2. It transports respiratory gases, nutrients, hormones and waste materials within the body.
  3. If protects the body from harmful pathogens.
  4. Regulates the body temperature.
  5. The heart pumps blood continuously throughout our lifetime.

Question 2.
Describe construction of eye with neat diagram.
Eyes help us to see things around us i.e., their colour, shape, size whether they are near or far, moving or at rest. The eyelids and eyelashes keep the eyes safe. The eye has three main parts namely cornea, iris and pupil.
Samacheer Class 6 Science Solutions Term 2 Chapter 6 Human Organ Systems

Question 3.
Tabulate the names of glands of endocrine system and their locations.

  1. Pituitary gland
  2. Pineal Gland
  3. Thyroid Gland
  4. Thymus Gland
  5. Pancreas (Islets of Langerhans)
  6. Adrenal Gland
  7. Gonads


  1. At the base of brain
  2. At the base of brain
  3. Neck
  4. Chest
  5. Abdomen
  6. Above the kidney
  7. Pelvic cavity

Question 4.
Draw and lable the parts of kidney.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th Science Solutions Term 2 Chapter 6 Human Organ Systems 9

Question 5.
List the parts of excretory system and write their functions.

  1. Renal artery : Brings blood containing oxygen and urea from the aorta to the kidneys.
  2. Renal vein : Brings filtered blood from the kidneys to the inferior vena cave.
  3. kidneys : Regulate the chemical composition Of fluids in the body.
  4. Ureter : Carries urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.
  5. Urinary bladder : An expandable, muscular sac that retains urine until it is discharged from the body.
  6. Urethra : The tube through which urine is discharged from the body, it is surrounded by muscles that allow us to control urination.

Question 6.
Give any five endocrine glands and their location.

Pituitary glandAt the base of brain
Pineal GlandAt the base of brain
Thyroid GlandNeck
Thymus GlandChest
Pancreas (Islets of Langerhans)Abdomen
Adrenal GlandAbove the kidney
GonadsPelvic cavity

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 1 Supplementary Chapter 3 Spices of India

Students can Download English Lesson 3 Spices of India Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 1 Supplementary Chapter 3 Spices of India

A. Answer the following questions.

Spices Of India Supplementary Question 1.
Why do we add spices to food?
We add spices to food to balance nutrition and to keep us healthy.

Spices Of India 6th Std Summary Question 2.
Which spices are used a lot in Indian food?
Spices used a lot in Indian food are cumin, mustard, pepper, cloves, fennel,cinnamon and turmeric

Spices Of India Supplementary Summary Question 3.
Which parts of a plant are collected as spices?
Flowers, leaves, roots, bark, seeds and bulbs.

Spices Of India Summary Question 4.
What are the uses of spices?
The spices give the dish a special, savoury taste. It makes us want to eat more!

6th Standard Question 5.
What happened after Columbus discovered America?
After Columbus discovered America, he got chilli.

B. Choose the best option.

Indian Spices Book Pdf Question 1.
People say curry comes from a Tamil word ‘kari’ which means _______
(a) soup
(b) sauce
(c) sambar
(b) sauce

Spices Of India Question 2.
Pepper is also known as _________
(a) liquid gold
(b) black gold
(c) white gold
(b) black gold

Spices English Question 3.
_______ wrote about cinnamon in 2700 BC (BCE).
(a) Chinese
(b) Indians
(c) Japanese
(a) Chinese

Question 4.
The Greeks, Romans and Egyptians all bought cinnamon from _________
(a) Japan
(b) South America
(c) India
(c) India


C. compare the travel maps of vasco da gama and Columbus

Spices Of India Supplementary Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 1 Chapter 3

Flit In the table with the prompts. Frame sentences with the help of the table.
Spices Of India 6th Std Summary Samacheer Kalvi English Solutions Term 1 Supplementary Chapter 3

SailorVasco da GamaColumbus
Year of travel1497 – 14991492-1504
Started fromPortugalPortugal
ReachedCalicutSouth America
ExploredMelinda, MombacaBahamas, Cuba, La Isabella
Taken awayBlack pepperChilli

Connecting To Self

D. Leek it the table carefully. Then Complet the points below.

  1. The paddy plants are given manure after 35 days watering
  2. The plants take 35 – 90 days in ripening phase.
  3. It takes 10 days to harvest the rice.
  4. The rice grains have to be dried and then stored.
  5. We store the grains for 120 days before boiling.

E. Talk In groups, Then share your thoughts with the class,

  • Do you usually eat all the food served to you? If not, what are the reasons? When you eat lunch at school, which are the dishes you don’t eat or waste?
  • Why do you avoid certain food items?
  • Can you think of ways to reduce the amount of food wasted in your school?
  • Have you seen or known anyone in need of food? Have you helped them? How?
  • Take a pledge in your group not to waste food.

(To be done by the students)

Steps To Success

Question 1.
Four of the following five are alike in certain ways and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(a) Garlic
(b) Sesame
(c) Mustard
(d) Olive
(e) Com
(a) All others are grown above the ground, while garlic grows under the ground.

Question 2.
In a certain code language if KBOVBSZ is the code word for JANUARY, what is the code word for OCTOBER?
Spices Of India Supplementary Summary Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 1 Chapter 3

Spices of India Additional Questions

I. Choose The Correct Answers.

Question 1.
Spices are added to balance _______
(a) height
(b) weight
(c) nutrition
(c) nutrition

Question 2.
Kari means _______
(a) sauce
(b) chutney
(c) curd
(a) sauce

Question 3.
Columbus went to find
(a) Iran
(b) Italy
(c) India
(c) India

Question 4.
Spices were traded along with
(a) paper
(b) perfume
(c) metals
(b) perfume

Question 5.
Pepper is called as _______
(a) white gold
(b) black gold
(c) black diamond
(b) black gold

II. Steps To Success.

Question 1.
Surya is 6th from the left end in a row of 20 boys, and Karthik is 13th from the right end in the same row. How many boys are there in between them in the row?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) One
(d) None
(c) One

Question 2.
Find the odd one out:
(a) orange
(b) pear
(c) apple
(d) papaya
(e) mango
(e) Mango has only one seed in the given list of fruits.

Question 3.
Find the odd one out:
(a) carrot
(b) cucumber
(c) onion
(d) potato
(e) tomato
(d) All except potato can be eaten raw.

III. Rearrange The Following Jumbled Sentences Intile Correct Order.

1. Many spices are added to keep us healthy.
2. They add no fat and no calories.
3. In India, spices are the soul of food.
4. They add flavour to dishes.
5. When we think of spices, we think of tasty & healthy food.
(3, 5,1, 2,4)
3. In India, spices are the soul of food.
5. When we think of spices, we think of tasty & healthy food.
1. Many spices are added to keep us healthy.
2. They add flavour to dishes.
4. They add no fat and no calories.

IV. Read The Passage And Answer The Questions.

1. When it comes to Indian food, the first thing that comes to many people’s minds is probably ‘ Spicy curry’. People say curry comes from the Tamil word ‘kari’. In Tamil, kari means sauce. It is something that is cooked with a roasted or powdered mixture of spices, condiments and herbs. This mixture of spices can be different in different places. It can be mild or it can be spicy and pungent. Flowers, leaves, roots, bark, seeds and bulbs, are combined in many different ways to produce a great variety of flavours: sweet, sharp, hot, sour, spicy, aromatic, tart, mild, flagrant or pungent. When cooked with rice, meat, fish, or vegetables, the spices give the dish a special, savoury taste. It makes us want to eat more.

Question a.
What comes to our mind of Indian food?
When it comes to Indian food, the first thing that comes to many people’s minds is probably ‘Spicy curry’.

Question b.
Explain the term “curry”
People say curry comes from the Tamil word ‘kari’. In Tamil, kari means sauce.

Question c.
How will a curry be?
It can be mild or it can be spicy and pungent.

Question d.
What are the parts used as spices?
Flowers, leaves, roots, bark, seeds and bulbs, are combined in many different ways to produce a great variety of flavours.

Question e.
Why do we add of plant spice?
It makes us want to eat more.

2. Black pepper also known as ‘Black gold’ was the most prized spice traded from the Kerala coast. Indians have been using black pepper for a very long time. Farmers began growing it in around 5000 years ago. And exported it to North and West Asia. The trade soon spread to Greece, Rome, Europe, and China, and also became popular in the Islamic empire. Recipes from rich Roman households show the value of the spice in ancient Rome. The Romans sent 120 ships a year from Egypt to trade with India and bring back enormous quantities of pepper.

Question a.
Where was pepper traded from?
Black pepper also known as ‘Black gold’ was the most prized spice traded from the Kerala coast.

Question b.
When did farmers grow pepper?
Farmers began growing it in around 5000 years ago.

Question c.
How do we know that Romans used pepper?
Recipes from rich Roman households show the value of the spice in ancient Rome.

Question d.
Describe the pepper trade between Egypt & India.
The Romans sent 120 ships a year from Egypt to trade with India and bring back enormous quantities of pepper.

V. Paragraph Questions.

Question 1.
What are the adventures that spices bring to our mind?
Apart from delicious food, spices also bring to mind adventures. Many of the most exciting voyages and modem history were made to conquer the spice trade and the race to become its master. The colonization of the America and Asia had its roots in spice trade. In 1492, Columbus went West to find India and pepper, but ran into America and the Chilli’.- Vasco-do-gama, six years later, went around Africa to reach Kozhikode, the home of pepper. These voyages ended the very profitable trade that the Arabs and Romans had built up over the centuries. They set the stage for a new world.

Question 2.
Which was the most prized spice traded from the Kerala coast? Who were using this spice?
Black pepper also known as ‘Black gold’ was the most prized spice traded from the Kerala coast. Indians have been using black pepper for a very long time. Farmers began growing it in around 5000 years ago and exported it to North and West Asia. The trade soon spread to Greece, Rome, Europe, China and in the Islamic empire. Recipes from rich Roman households show the value of the spice in ancient Rome. The Romans sent 120 ships a year from Egypt to trade with India for Black pepper.

Question 3.
Who bought cinnamon from India and how did Venetians prosper by this spice?
Cinnamon not only adds great flavour to food, it also helps to preserve it. People from other parts of the world appreciated the fragrance and taste of cinnamon. They wanted it too and were willing to pay a good price for it. The Greeks, the Romans and Egyptians bought cinnamon from India. In the middle ages, the Venetians grew rich by taxing the cinnamon that was brought from India to Europe and the Meditteranean.

Question 4.
Write a paragraph on My favourite dish.
My favourite dish is Briyani. I know it is yummy due to the spices in it. It is made with tasty spices, rice, meat (chicken, goat, prawn, or fish), vegetables or eggs. My mother uses garlic, ginger, curd, cumin seeds, pepper, chillies etc. She uses a little curd and lemon juice to get a tangy taste.

Question 5.
Write a paragraph on My favourite teacher.
My favorite teacher is Mrs. Nalini who teaches me English. She studied in Delhi and came back Chennai to be an English teacher. She has skills at teaching, sense of humour, friendly, patient and easygoing. She would give us lots of assignments which were for improving our English. She is very patient and enthusiastic to teach us whenever we had questions in her classes.

VI. Complete In Given Dialogue.

Priya : Good Morning (i) ________ ?
Sowmiya : I am watching T V dear.
Priya : Shall we go for a movie today?
Sowmiya (ii) ________________
Priya : I will come and pick you up at 5 p.m.
Sowmiya (iii) ________________
Priya : Ok. See you then.

  1. Sowmiya! What are you doing?
  2. With pleasure. I am ready to see a movie.
  3. Thank you. I will wait for you.